WOOHOO, I'M HOME!, well my second home really!
We touched down into Australia and the weather was horrid. It was 9C and it was cold as! We got a taxi to Freemantle ad got checked into our HOstel, the Sun Dancer! It was basically an old building with a funky interiour but unfortunatley it was really dirty. The guy on reception was drunk ad forgot to give us linen so I had to sleep in my boardies and it was absolutley freezing! It was probably warmer back home!
The next day we explored the town which was pretty non existant! we decided that because the hostel was filthy and that we had to be in Perth the next day that we would move out ad head into the city! That night we hit the beers at a bar called Newport. It was a cracking night with $2 midis, a live band and me and Ian not losing a game of pool for about 2 hours! All good!
Next morning we took a bus Perth and checked into Glove Backpackers! Nice and clean at least!
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