Well we are here . Arrived 7.30 Vancouver time,took little to no time to go through customs ,caught a train from the airport to Waterfront a subburb , then hailed a yellow cab to take us to our apartment, The Edge. Temperature is well above what we thought it would be and we have no airconditioning, Shirley as I type is desperately looking for something cooler.Plane trip was good but it was more in the style of a long haul Jetstar flight.
Well it didn't take long after our arrival to be off and at it , quick shower, change of clothes ,down the street we went , the travel guide had got it right again,a ten minute stroll to Gastown , our first port of call a quaint little coffee shop named the Birds and Beets. There isnot many of us older generation in there , but a least the coffee was good. That done with we meander our way to the Vancouver lookout ,over 550. Ft high with 360 degree views from the top. Di OSH you would have loved the lift,made from glass and you can see every foot disappear in front of you and there is no place to hide. Time had passed and now our second adventure was apon us a Gastronomic Gastown tour.
Our first stop was restrauant which severed Bison, it was thin and small but as a real steak would be beautiful.Second stop a small boutique restaurant the served the best slow cook and pork burger with this amazing home made mustard sauces.The Third stop was a pizza place who still cooks their base thin and crunchy with not too much cheese or tomatoe paste. The fourth was a dessert restaurant, champagne chocolate dessert cake,amazing.
Well there probably is more to say but the head has hit the wall the eyes are blurred and above all Shirley would like to go to sleep. See you all tomorrow we have a lot to do
Love Shirley and John.
- comments
Diane O'Shannessy Sounding awesome already John & shirl. Enjoy & stay safe. xx