Day 33. 3/10/2018
Off to the Ruins
Today we are off to the ruin of Knossos which they discovered that the area was first inhabited in 7000 B.C . Sir Arthur Evans was the person who found the ruins and went about uncovering the site the we see today, he also tried to resort parts of it using in those days a more conventional method. This area was the land of the Minoan Civilisation and at one time over a 100,000 people lived here. The palace was first built around 1900 B.C , but appears it was destroyed and a new palace constructed around 1700 B.C Evans reconstruction was created from his own imagination from what was left when it was uncovered.
We found this interesting but nothing on the ruins in Athens. Back on the local bus to the hotel , rest a little the off to the museum ancient culture. This to be a walk but not to far , that is if we both thinking about the same museum. Together we head in a direction I’ve set from looking at the guide map , up here ,down there across this one left ,right and walls ,there it is, but of cause I’d done it again taken Shirley to the wrong museum ,there are two. Eventually we find the second and it is a further tale of the palace we had visited this morning . There pieces from many eras, mostly in fantastic condition. It was easy to see when the use of stone weapons and clay pottery changed to bronze metal cauldrons and spears. The art work were beautiful even if some were damage ,but after all these years it amazed me how intricate these item could be . We spent quite a bit of time roaming around in this museum and glad we did but now we have had enough and it time to move on.
Home now and just going through what is happen tomorrow as we move to another part of the island of Crete ,we have really enjoyed our short stay in Heraklion. We are to eat at the hotel restaurant which rated 25th on the list, it called the roof garden. It was very good, everything from service to food was of an extraordinary quality.
Well back in the room now and after all the extra walking ,thanks to me ,and the delicious food we are now falling a sleep where we sit so goodnight and see you in the next blog.
Thinking of everyone ,hoping all are still fit and healthy,
Shirley and John
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