Over the next few days we learnt the meaning of the word 'overland' travel. Driving nearly 4,000km in under a week doesnt seem that hard until you have actually experienced it. We left Buenos Aires at 5 am on day 1. We pulled up at our first free camp by a service station near a city called bahia blanca at around 8pm. There isnt really much to say. I listned to my ipod read, looked out the window. My ipod ran out of battery. I slept then I read a bit.
The landscape of the las pampas (the flat arrid interior of Argetina) was largely flat and arrid! The dusty horizon punctured every so often by a couple of guannaco (Argentinian Lama) or a flock of sheep or cows. There were three types of vegetation. Shrub, grass and dust. And of those three the dust was probabl the most interesting. That said the sheer scale of what we were driving through was amazing.
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