Arriving, in El Chalten (proclaimed the trekking capital of Argentina) I was quite surprised. The guidebook had called it a small modern town. However this description seem to be contradicted by a lack of paved roads, a lack of cash machines, and seemingly a lack of people. That said, the scenery was once again stunning. The town is situated at the base of the Fitzroy mountain range, and on a clear day the jagged peaks (similar to those in Torres Del Paine) dominate the sky line. Due to the knee injury that I picked up when I had decided that it might be a sensbile idea to run down a mountain, I wasnt really in much shape to do any hiking, and so my experiences of the surrounding area are slightly limited. I hear its stunning, Zaks pictures look amazing. He actually went Ice climbing on a glaicer, somthing that I was very jealous of and will hopefully get to experience in New Zealand. He was able to climb various Ice faces and went through a couple of Ice tunnels, all of which looked amazing. There are a couple of areas that I feel I can give an accurate assessment of. There is a home made ice cream shop in town, that has a wide variety of delicious flavours. Also the town is home to the best restaurant/pub/eatery we have experienced thus far. It is called the microbrewery (and as the name surprisingly suggests they brew their own, fantastic and surprisingly inexpensive beer). The food was also fantastic. Probably better than the mountains (or so I keep telling myself)!!!
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