Hi everyone,
well i havent written for soo long so here goes!! Im still at the corn shed can u believe it?!?!?! I have been here 10 weeks, but at last i only have 2 more to go, thankgod for that! :) i am so ready to leave already but at least my second visa will be sorted and me and Jo will have enough money to do the coast and some for melbourne afterwards too!!!
Been working quite a bit, lots of long days and in our spare time we have been going down to the beach and painting some very childish pictures ( see the pics posted lol, as u can tell me and Lynnie are extremely proud of ours) there is a bench right overlooking the beach its gorgeous!!!
Its soo hot here!!! But its all good new, after taking the camper back on the 20th october to Cairns we lived in a tent for 2 weeks and now we are living in a house ( also see pics) the house is soo beautiful, (and as Lynnie has p*ssed off back up to Cairns for a couple of weeks till her boyfriend comes bk and then shell come and meet us again to do the coast) its just me and Jo there ( and a few other ppl from work) its soo nice to have a room, and be able to have a lie in! and do proper food in an oven, ahh it feels like such luxury!!
But we will be back in a tent soon, were going to start off doing the whitsundays and then go down to do fraser island and hervey bay etc, then surfers paradise. noosa etc aand then we will probably be in Sydney for Xmas now and spend it with Lynnie and Chrissy and then down to Melbourne in January to get some money!!!!!
So whats new with all u guys?!?! Please write me lots of messages and let me know, im missing u all millions!!!
what else is new with me?! Hmm nothing much, sprry i havent written much in Bowen but all i have been doing is work work work cant wait to leave the corn shed. the first thing i am going to do is have my hair done, i think i should also have a massage as all this standing on my feet has seriously ruined my back, just call me the hunchback of notre dame!!
Im just about to download some music, have had to look at the radio 1 charlist, LOADS of songs i havent even hear of, apart from Britney of course, u all knew id know that one as soon as it came out eh!! He he!!
Christmas coming up soon so if anyone would like to donate to the Jodean travelling fund pls let me know and i will give u my bank details, ha ha well well if u dont ask u dont get :P
write to me soon, i have to tell u im not missing the birmingham winter!! although all the flies here are such a pain, and loads of sandflies too, i am using repellant as if its going out of fashion and still getting bit!?!?! I have no idea how!!!!!
anyway all my love and kisses xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
and if u havent already pls check out the pics ( which im about to upload in a few mins) xxxxxxx
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