It was a rough morning, but Morgan and I roughed it and made it to the scuba place by 7am. I was glad we did because the diving was beautiful. Morgan snorkeled and I dived with a girl from Germany and a drive master. There were so many different types and colors of coral. The visibility was great at about 10 meters deep. The most colors I have ever seen. We didn't see anything big, just lots of pretty fish and things. We did two dives and then headed back to the hotel to meet the rest of the group.
We were planning on doing the mud baths this afternoon but all of us were either exhausted or hung over so we just went down to the beach to sleep.
We laid by the beach till evening, got some pho and caught the night train at 9pm.
This night train was not like like last. This one had come from Saigon, so the beds had already been slept in. They gave us new sheets but they did not look clean. We saw a mouse in our cabin and the air con was well strong. The toilets seats had pee all over them and it was next to impossible to squat on the moving train. So I laid in bed for 12 hours freezing and holding my bladder. It was a long night.
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