Jo and Al's Trek across the globe!
Hey guys! well here it is...our first entry! sorry for the delay...
We have just left Bangkok after being there since monday. What a busy week! The city is so busy and we have never seen so much traffic! There are four lanes of traffic coming from every direction! Our hotel was 5 mins from Khao San Road which is the main road for backpackers in Bangkok. Its pretty cool. Lots of little stalls and boutiques selling anything and everything you would need.
On our first day we went and saw the Grand Palace and the Emerald Temple. These were both amazing. So much detail to all the buildings. The decor was very intricate! That day was very good but Joey dropped my camera....dear o dear. One day into the trip and we were already forking out the \"emergency money\"!
On wednesday we went and saw all the various Buddas thats are around....The Standing Budda, Lucky Budda, The Golden Mount and the Sleeping Budda...We got a tuk tuk (taxi type thing) to all these places which was pretty fun! They drive so fast!
On thurdsay night we met up with our group who we are seeing the rest of Thailand and malaysia with. Everyone is real nice. We went out for dinner and drinks with them all. 7 out of 18 of us are from Hampshire! there are 2 other groups of girls who are all from Southampton...small world.
Friday was a super early super early start at 6.30 am! argh. We went to a floating market were we got to ride a long boat around the canals and see all the stalls. This market was on our way to Kanchanaburi which was the main thing of the day. Here we got to see the bridges that were made in the 2nd world war over the River Kwai. We got on a super rocky train on the smaller bridgewhich is known as Death Railway and got off at the main bridge over the R.Kwai. This bridge isnt actually used in the film - the set was in malaysia! It was really interesting- got to learn alot we didnt already know.
That everning we got an overnight train for 13 hours....However this seemed to go real quickly as we were all just messin about and drinking lots of brandy and coke...We were woken very early at our next destination which is Krabi...
We have just arrived in the area of Ao Nang where we will spend our time sunbathing and snorkelling! Its a hard life... We will update you on this more once we have been here a little longer.
Hope you are all well, missing you lots. lots of love jo and al x x x x
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