Hey guys, only just found the address for thi that you gave me in Singapore, Been having a good look through, theres some pics ill have to get from ya, as shocking as the ones of me are!! Its funny how the pics are so similar too, went too lots of the same places!! Hope your both ok!! ve just sent you both an email actually, have to see you soon! gemma, take care x
Hey hey AllyBallyBaby!
I am a crap friend I know it! But I've noticed that you've left me equally neglected!
Been looking through your pics...loving the classic Kiwi bus shots! I have similar ones!
Just read your message on Dulcie's site and left some abuse for beating me to the first message!
Email me soon...or lose me forever!
Love you xxx
yo, my brown lookin friends! hope all is well! well done al for wanting to stay out longer, i think its a great idea!! and jo cant wait till u come home! hope your still having a fab time! i'm sure you will love fiji, a nice relaxing place!
Hey! I love the new pics! Very pretty! I hope its all going well and you had a good birthday - and the canyon swing wasn't too scary. Looking forward to seeing you soon Ally, now less then 3 weeks before I go! Can't wait to see you in Oz. Love you lots xxxxx
CLAIRE WILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wanted to say awesome for passing your test!!! about time indeed!!! ah im very very proud indeed! just what i wanted to hear indeed! i hope you realise you are now my personal chauffer! love you lots and really well done again! x x x x x x x
ive been on this comp for an hour and half putting these pics up!!!! arrrrghghhhgg!!! they seem to be a bit muddled but i hope you get the jist!! bye for now x x x
Claire Willli
Hey my lovelies!! excellent news on the ski dive, can't believe you actually went through with it. You've just beaten me to it cos i'm doing one for charity on June 11th!! I can't wait. Your photos are amazing and the pair of you are rediculously brown,you better loose it before you come home or i'm kicking ass in jealousy : ) My god Al got my test on Friday no more lesson's left!!! So guna fail but hey not many actually pass first time so it's all good. Can't wait for you two to come home, Al how come your staying longer? Met some good mates out there? MIss you loads!!!!!! take care x x
Hey Jo,
Just been looking at all your photos! Can't believe u met boyd and connar!!!
Anyway take care and see you soon
Hay xxxxxxx
Hey Ally!! Hope all is good! You will be in New Zealand as from today I think! Hope its ok and not too cold compared to Oz!! I hope you brave a skydive!! V. cool! If you and Lucy can then I am for sure!! I'm glad that the suntan will be wearing off while you're there as this country is all about the sun!!! Well have fun and be good! Dont forget us! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Al Hope your havin a great time. Missing you loads. Just to let you know i leave Motorcare in 2 weeks to start at southern electric and work in their call centre for 2 grand more, along with tina as well. When do you get back?
hey peeps, only me! Just been lookin through the pics of aus, it looks so lovely!(cant think of a better word, i'm s*** at english!). Hope all is going well still, which i'm sure iyt is! Weather is still s***, although managed to have a bbq ion manchester!
email me! lots of love sjxx