Jo and Al's Trek across the globe!
Ok well here is the update for malaysia! Sorry about the delay!!
Well after being taken across the border kicking and screaming from Thailand we arrived in Malaysia! The first stop was Penang. This is an island just off the West coast. We got off at the hotel and the temperature was stonkin! very hot indeed... Penang was quite nice, but you could walk around the attractions in a day. We were here for just two. On the first day we just wandered about and then went to the botanical gardens. This was pretty cool as there were loads of random monkeys just wandering about! You werent allowed to feed them though because they would try to rip your hair out otherwise! That night we all went out as a big group but ended up coming back and drinking on the rooftop as the nightlife was a bit poor...still we managed to have fun as always! We crawled to bed at about 5.30am... Next day while feeling sorry for ourselves we went to the beach. This would have been nice but it was so hazy and the water wasnt that clear... BUt, we went on jet skis!woooo! this was awesome. Jo went on with Lindsay from the group and i went on with Nick. Was pretty but scary but never laughed so much! Think nick got a bit scared of my driving! That night we were very cultural and went to the cinema! We saw a very cultural film called Underworld Evolution...hmmmm enough said.
Next day we set off on the drive to the Cameron Highlands. For me (al) it was one of my fave places. The scenery was awesome - never seen anything like it. We were here for a couple of nights. We had a packed out day which included going to the highest summit, seeing tea plantations, jungle treking, butterfly and insect farms, aboringinal villages and climbing the coldest waterfall EVER. But all of it was worth it. In the eve we went out for a Chinese steamboat meal....mmmmm no thankyou. It was sicy water and you just chucked a load of meat and fish in it and then ate it.... was not nice but good to try at least!
Next stop was Kuala Lumpur. This was a cool city. A good one to just walk around and take in all the sights. We got the metro which was a train in the air. All the buildings are so tall and modern, good to see. That night we went to a club that put on shows with drag queens and lady boys. This was so so fun. The shows were great and we just drank and danced the night away! there were podiums so yes of and jo were up there along with all the other girls!
The next day we just did a bot more sightseeing and we went to the twin towers in the eve. These were really impressive. Was full of very expensive shops like Gucci and Hermes was a bit of a pretty woman moment! wew then went to teh cinema (again) and this time saw Final destination 3! hmmm was extremely far fetched!
Melaka was a final stop in Malaysia. This was a really old city and was quite small with no much to do apart from walk about. There was a quaint china town. The main attraction was the jucuzzi up on the roof of the hotel very amusing... but in the eve, jo, me , lindsay amnd the guys had all been playing drinking games...after a few we thought it would be a good idea to break in upstairs to the jucuzzi! after our secret mission we finally got up there with me ramming the lock! JO and bono had been carefully picking at it with a screw driver... Lots of fun that night! The next morn we just had to pay 30 ringgits each which is nothing for a new lock so there was no harm done! And then the rebels left Melaka for Singapore!
The next and last part of the tour was to come....!
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