Last night's planning of a trip to Paris did not go as well as hoped unfortunately. Everything was much more expensive than we planned and had terrible times. Then as Mike and I would try to book a flight it would kick us out because the price was going up. So then we both started getting frustrated with the whole thing. Mom tried helping me and we tried to get flights from Barcelona to Paris because they are way cheaper, But then the big issue was how to get from Seville to Barcelona and that became a chore and a half. Finally Mike and I gave up and decided to try getting a free quote through Discover Sevilla, which is a travel agency in Sevilla that works with study abroad students all the time. I'm still waiting to hear back from them and since it's already 6:00 over here I'm starting to worry that I won't hear from them today. If I don't hear from them by tomorrow night Mike and I will just have to go for it on our own and spend the money. I'm keeping my fingers cross though that I will hear from them soon.
I still have yet to hear from KeyBank which is extremely frustrating. It's such a pain to not have any cash on me. Especially since a lot of places around here don't take credit cards, or if they do you have to spend like 20 euros in order to use it. Mike is loaning me money, it's just a pain to have to ask him. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that by the end of the workday in US time that KeyBank will have gotten back to me with some positive news.
I've been trying to get my Lisbon pictures in order and that's a whole other issue. I had doubles on my Kodak site and when I tried to delete the doubles my internet froze and kicked me out of the sight. When I got back on my entire album was deleted!! Then I tried to load 200 on but of course the internet froze up again. So now I've been doing 10 pictures at a time trying to load them all onto Kodak by tonight so that mom and dad can look at them and I can hopefully order them. As long as I can get everything on and organized and ordered that's my goal for tonight. Tomorrow I can start adding the comments onto the pictures little by little. Actually, by doing 10 pictures at a time I have noticed that it seems to be making more progress. Or maybe because it's a smaller amount it just seems like more progress. Either way it's working and that's all that counts. As soon as I get done writing this I am going to do some of my reading while I wait for the pictures to load. Make the most out of the time.
Mike is coming over around 7 to watch a movie on his computer because obviously mine will be busy loading the pictures. Then tonight we have salsa lessons!! I'm so excited for those. I think these lessons will be so much fun. And they're free! Which makes it even better. It's kind of funny because I was just talking to mom the other day about how I'd like to sign up for dance lessons or something soon. And then Saturday night we go out and here they are just handed to me for free. Definitely a good deal.
I signed up for the first Morocco trip. I think it's the 12th-15th. That will be really interesting. I'm definitely going to be looking up some information online about Morocco. Just to get kind of an idea of what it's like so that when I got I'm not completely blind and shocked by everything. I have to write a paper about it too for my Managing Cultural Diversity class. I had that class today. My classes are going well so far. I have a bunch of reading to do for Marketing still, but other than that I have all my homework done. Good! Maybe I can do some fun reading then soon before I have to start doing all the Paris reading. I doubt I'll have time to but I can always hope. I would definitely rather be writing this though and getting my pictures edited, online, commented and printed though than just reading. I can read my books anytime, I'd like to be able to do these things so I remember this experience, even the frustrating parts haha. I also signed up for the free Cordoba trip this coming Saturday. We are gone for the whole day and we get to see a bunch of sights with tour guides, which will be really nice. I need to go to the study abroad office to sign up for the Italica trip on Friday with school. I have to go for my history class. So I will definitely have an eventful week. I better get started reading my marketing homework though. Even though it isn't due until Wednesday I'd rather just get it done and out of the way as much as I can now.
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