Donna and Jim's Honeymoon
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London, UK

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London, UK

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Cozumel, Mexico

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Playa del Carmen, Mexico

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Playa del Carmen, Mexico
Roy Morris Jim, thanks for looking after and loving our very precious daughter so well and so much - you're a very special man and a fantastic addition to our family. (I just need to get you to support West Ham and you'll be the perfect son-in-law)
re: The Final BlogJamie Best toilet - dalai lamas temple in India great wee over the Himalayas and Dharamsala. See you guys at Glasto.
re: Night Out In BangkokRoy Kava made Donna's mum feel very sick on our last visit - this lasted for all of a 7 hour boat trip, fishing off of Fiji. Can you bring a bottle home for her?
re: Island LifeJim No offence but there are not enough cars on the road out here so kiwi drivers are not good at dealing with other cars on the road
re: Can you pronounce luge?Aaron The highest standard of driving in the entire country. ... interesting.
re: Can you pronounce luge?Roy Morris Sounds fantastic - I want to go there! Please book a room for two for 6 months at "matching cutlery" hostel ASAP. xx
re: Smoking Marlboro SoundsRoy Morris Hi Jim - glad all sounds well with you two and that your sense of humour continues unabated. Best Wishes from The Olds xxx
re: City Life Part 2Megan Aww Jim, that's lovely! And the key story was hilarious! Good job Cara wasn't there or they'd have been outisde for even longer! I loved the final comments about Chloe, what a great time you've all had xxx
re: Our faithful sidekick ChloeFarrah Hahahahaaha made the mistake of reading this at work and am now chuckling out loud and a lot whilst lots of bemused colleagues look at me like I am mad. Fx
re: The bumgumPoppy Thank you Jim & Donna love Poppy Tried to give it 5 stars but my paw slipped!!!!!
re: Get Well Soon- last visited

- travel plan
- Bangkok, Thailand
Roy Morris Jim, thanks for looking after and loving our very precious daughter so well and so much - you're a very special man and a fantastic addition to our family. (I just need to get you to support West Ham and you'll be the perfect son-in-law)