Finally we left queenstown to go further south.. we managed to get to Te Anau for night fall and spent the night in a DOC (department of conservation) campsite.. over half way through the trip and we have just managed to discover the dirt cheap, best places to stop.. genius. We had heard on arrival that the road to Milford Sound had been closed for the night due to snow so it wasnt looking good for potential driving there the next day.. in the morning the weather was just as bad as predicted and all vehicles going to MS were required to wear chains. we resigned ourselves to the fact that we'd have to pay for the bus there the next day. it was too late for us to go that day cause we'd had to come to the rescue of some holland lads whose van needed a jump start.. naturally i didnt have a clue where anything was in the engine and when they asked me to open the bonet i completely forgot we had a massive pair of granny pants on the front to negotiate, great. i figure if we break down now tho we have karma on our side!
Since the weather was so miserable and te anau so tiny there was nothing for us to do at all!! we were all going mental with boredom so i set about making a monopoly board for our travelling time.. its looking pretty hot but not yet completed.. ill keep you informed how its debut goes! In the evening we went to a local pub for a quick drink and i introduced the infamous fish fruit and flower game (mum and dad will know this 1.. i explained how it usually gets pretty competitive.. and it did haha) we were then thown out cause of closing time.
The next morning we got up about 7.30 - 8 just to check the situation of the road even though we were pretty convinced we wouldnt be able to do it.. tho when we arrived at the petrol station the woman told us the restriction was now only that u had to carry chains, not wear them... so ... we decided to go for it - we knew donde wouldnt let us down! we had a quick brek so as to let the buses go through first then we could go in their tracks and set off. i drove and barns sat in the front too and the drive had such amazing scenery. i dont know if theres always snow on the mountains but it looked really pretty because of the recent fall. we also came across our favourite lake haha new zealand has quite a lot but lake gunn will be remembered!
We made it safe and sound to Milford, there was only really one dodgy part of the road which we just took dead slow. We went on a boat ride as soon as we got there to get the cheaper time (getting good at the saving game!) and especially as the weather was near perfect we didnt want to miss it cause it changes so quickly round that area. we were really suprised at how good the view was as showers and rain were predicted but it was perfecto! milford sound was beautiful.. really steep mountains with waterfalls and we saw some dolphins too.. it must have been amazing to first discover the place cause for ages they thought it was just a little inlet in the coast.
We were tempted to stay the night around milford sound as we'd asked about any good walks back in queenstown and the guy had recommended key summit.. when we arrived at the place though we though we might as well do it there and then as it was only late afternoon and we'd forgotten we only had the chains for a day. me barn grant and sul set off but sully left after a bit announcing "guys, i really dont care this much about mountains" haha we were going at quite a pace though cause it was late. when we got to the top, the path opened up to the snow covered mountain and you could see for absolutely miles! we were lucky to have done it at that time too cause we were having to follow peoples footprints in the snow and wouldnt have known the way otherwise. we spent a bit of time at the top taking pics etc and then razzed it back down.. and back to te anau.. and back to quuenstown that night. once again me and grant on the last leg of driving duty.. doing our speciality of parking up in the middle of nowhere without any petrol for the morning!
going to start another blog to make it seem shorter.. i know it drags.. probably even for mum haha
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