heya! got loads to catch up on argh!!
so me and grant have apparently become the night time tag team for driving Donde and took charge of rolling into queenstown quite late on. we parked up and collapsed.. only to find ourselves completely surrounded by cars in the morning so had to do a skillful evac of the area! We had already booked our bungy time so were free to get down to business with the real stuff.. drinking! we only meant to have 1 but excitment got the better of us while making our bungy tops in the pub and im pretty sure it was obvious we'd had a tipple to everyone on the bus! Me moore and barn were the ones who had decided to do it.. unfortuntely they wouldnt let sul and grant come to watch boo. they did it in weight order so we had to wait right until the end to do ours.. which meant we had to watch everyone else jumping off.. anyway we all played it cool (haha) and jumped off no problema. it wasnt as scary as thought it was going to be (altho i have a suspicion the wine helped a lot) and we all loved it and tried blagging another go - which we almost got away with! we were dead glad to have done it and i think sul and grant enjoyed their chocolate cake too, probably even more. Then, to finish off the day we went for a drink over the road and got out Borat to watch in Donde.
Saturday was spent mainly faffing.. i cant really remember what we did but we've become good at passing the time by doing absolute rubbish.. i think me and grant had another lunch date together (we usually have egg mayo in the camper while the others go on one of their frequent sushi hunts!) We've learnt too that NZ doesnt really seem to have ANY nightlife so thought sat in queenstown was our best hope of a night out! While we were having tea and getting ready etc we got out Drop Dead Fred from the video shop... classic movie! we had drinks forst in the camper and over the road then went to World Bar where they give you your drinks in teapots and shot glasses.. weird.. anyway it was v practical for playing ring of fire purposes so we did that and saw a group of guys who were on our glacier tour. they gave us lots of camper tips and we said we'd park next to them the next night.. safety from parking wardens in numbers!
The next day we formulated a plan! this is new to us as we usually just wing everything and dont have a clue towards a timescale.. but today we pulled up our socks and wrote it down on some loo paper which is kept in pride of place in Donde. That evening we camped in the carpark with the guys but the others had to be up for skiing in the morning at 7 so was a relatively early night. WHilst they went Skiing, me moore and barn decided to do a walk as the weathers been so nice in queenstown! however, barn fell at the first hurdle (literally).. she fell in a stream trying to cross it so went back to do some laundry. me and moore took up the baton and set off heads high.. 1-2 hrs later we found ourselves giving up on the path that we clearly werent suppossed to be on.. i think it was an Xtreme downhill bike track or something haha.. while heading back to Donde we passed the sign we;d failed to see on the way and saw the turnoff we shouldve taken.. but had already wasted loads of time so headed back. The 3 of us then snuck back into the campsite we'd stayed at the past 2 nights to skav a shower cause we didnt want to pay for power.. sneaky!
Barn went to have her hair done that afternoon and me and moore were just gna wander around the shops but we bumped into the boys who said they were going luging.. we didnt have a bloody clue what this was! turns out u get a gondala up a bit of a mountain then jump in sleges and go down a race track... it was awesome!! me and moore had 3 races.. we dont talk about the overall score, definite cheating involved haha it was wicked!
I'd better start a new blog for the rest otherwise this one is going to be real long!
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