We abandoned queenstown the next day because we wanted to get our groove onto christchurch for the weekend. Me and moore were in the front and its been our mission to pick up a hitchhiker.. we saw a dude and decided to pick him up.. the others in the back werent really very impressed and said he smelt.. so once he'd gone.. we picked up another one haha this also didnt go down too well with the others even though he was a really friendly guy and lent us his ipod to play cause ours were all out of battery. i think me and moore are probably now banned from driving together!
We drove up the mount cook road as i think this mountain may have been used for filming in lord of the rings and wanted to tell holster we'd been there.. but on reflection im not even sure it is in it and even if it is, i havent got a clue which part! we took photos at the top then flip reversed back. it probably wasnt worth going all the way to the base of it cause u could see it from miles away.. but the sunset leaving was probably one of the best views yet.. really really pretty. in fact everywhere u go in new zealand there seems to be an amazing view that just continues forever in the distance so that wherever u are or if u have a photo taken it looks like its just a screen in the background. me and moore have consequently devised a theory that the whole of new zealand is in the truman show.. and thats the dome.
We parked just outside christchurch that evening (we've recieved quite a few illegal parking flyers so now know the rules that u just have to park 10k away from residential areas... so now we're finneee , if only theyd told us in the first place!) in the morning we found a campground and headed to the supermarket to find some BBQ grub! kiwi campers gave us a bbq that we're yet to break into and since the weathers so good we thought we'd have one before going out for the night in christchurch. i BBQd the food and it was actually really good!! and noone died of food poisoning so no complaints. After a kip and some drinks (me moore and barn cleverly bought 5% wine - school boy!) we headed into christchurch... finding a taxi was a bit of a mare.. its so different to going out anywhere else.. its all dead! when we got there we found christchurch just to be full of chavs and rubbish pubs.. none of us were that impressed so we just went back to donde and vowed to research good places to go next time! i should probably mention that today (saturday) was our first shower since sneaking into the shower block in queenstown (the monday before).. scrubbers!! its cause we werent staying on campsites with power so couldnt have one.. im not sure how the others went that long, i could probably have gone longer though haha.
I'll have to finish off the last few days another time - i dont think ive ever wrote so much!! love you all lots.. enjoying all fazbook and email updates! xxxxxxxxxxxx
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