we arrived in sydney about 8am and none of us had slept very well cause the seats didnt go back like the SA ones we'd become used to! we headed to the hostel to find its smack bang in the middle of sydneys red light district! Kings Cross is a cool place though, just full of weirdos, especially now we're here. we had to bum about a bit until our room was ready cause we were so early and then decided to head straight out to find some bridge..
we just got our general bearings round the city that day.. clocked the opera house and bridge, looked round some shops then came back for a nap. the napping in sydney has been awesome.. think ive had a quick evening kip every night! the hostel put on a bbq in the evening and for the equivalent of about 2pounds 50 they give u free wine and beer and sausages burgers salads mmmmm. we'd even researched for the first time ever where an indie night was on.. but it all went to pot and we ended up just going down the road with the hostel crew to madam de something. the music was pretty rubbish and sul went home early but me barn and grant had a wicked time anyway.. the night of the prancing!
The nexxt day we had a wander around Darling Harbour which is a really nice area and they had a band on a stage in the water but they were having problems with their sound and sul was really homesick so we went back to the hostel.. sul decided then that she was going to move her flights forward and go home cause she was missing her boyf.. and cause there was only 4 of us and we thought we might never see moore again haha .. the 4 was becoming 3!
later that night we went for a drink in the irish bar and me and grant also went to empire .. commence smuggling vodka in to save money! we were playing on the skipping rope that night.. reckon we were pretty good at it! sydney was sunny after that woo so we went to see the bridge and opera house properly and had a stroll around the royal botanic gardens! barn climbed over the harbour bridge too but the rest of us decided not to cause it was quite expensive.. looked quality tho.
aftre a few days in sydney we were reunited with mooreus wahoooo.. think she mustve wondered what we'd done to sully tho to make her decide to go home in the 3 days she'd been away haha. we all got the subway together to bondi beach that day but it wasnt too hot and didnt fancy trying surfing so didnt stop there that long.. barn and sul wandered off on a cheesecake hunt (This happens a lot, but itsthe first time they've specifically caught a bus there to find the cheesecake shop haha) and we went out to world bar later on cause it was kareokeee. i really think ive muddled my days up here but nevermind. i think this is where sydney goes down hill and just turns into a drunken mess.. for once i was the responsible one!! and of course involved a pie from Pie Face at the end of the night (best ever).. most of our talk the next day was about the pies too. amazing.
I'm not sure what else we've done but it definitely involves another night out at world bar.. altho not a complete one cause grant got thrown out! they're really strict here asking how much you've had just when entering the building.
another evening we went down to see the bridge and opera house at night which looked really mint. this also involved us all holding hands the entire way (We've walked miles round sydney!) singing the beatles rr special times. because this had been a quiet night, the next day we hired a car to go to blue mountains.. a good new trick we've learnt to save money.. especially when its between 5 of u. this was also sullys last day so we didnt have long there until had to get her back to the airport. we looked after her well and drove her right to her terminal.. there were a few goodbye tears, mentioning no names barn moore sully haha. it was really sad to say bye tho.. we miss her loads!
the next day was also time to say bye to moore and barn. they had decided to go to ayres rock while me and grant went straight to cairns, then they would meet her up there but i'd have gone by then. so another goodbye!!! noooooo and NOONE CRIED FOR ME gits! ha ha. so me and grant were left to fend for ourselves which was always going to be disastrous.
we went out that night after drinking in the hostel with our new roomies who told us all about stuff to do in cairns, where to stay etc. the next morning was really rushed getting out the hostel and we hadnt planned anywehre to leave our bags or where to go all day til our flight at 7.30.. so headed into town and went to the cinema to watch Burn AFter Reading, or something like that. we hadnt heard of any of the films there cause had been away ages so took a chance on that one, wasnt great, was okay tho.
luckily we made it to our flight okay woo and arrived (nackered) at our hostel woo
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