we arrived really late in Melbourne and though moores bag arrived this time, we almost lost her. we'd gone on ahead to get the luggaage cause were sitting in diff places on the plane but then she didnt show up for ages we werent sure what was happening, turns out the customs person hadnt been impressed with her answers of not knowing where she was staying in the country, or where she was going and that she had no money. she then also lost her dec;aration form and we had her bag so it just looked mega dodgy and took us ages to get out!
we hadnt prebooked a hostel even though we rolled up at gone midnight oops but luckily managed to find one right in the centre. we had our own room and it was good to not have to sleep in a bed covered in sand! the next morning we had a look around the centre, they have really good shops and just got our general bearings and sul found a pub with cider and raspberry. later on that night me and moore had found out that THE VINES were playing and were wetting ourselves with excitemement and went down to try and tout a ticket.. unfortunately this didnt go to plan.. they werent selling any! madness! so we decided to get a drink while waiting for the others who we said we'd meet at the club... but moore had no ID, so we couldnt get in anywhere til they arrived with it, really strict! we all went to "ding dong" around 10 cause we'd heard it was an indie club and they had a few bands on to begin with (class) and then it turned into a club. dead good night.
the next day we just headed down to st kilda which is the beachy area and bummed about. the beach wasnt too great and we spent the evening dossing in our room preparing for the big day ahead.. neighbours day! we had to get up at 7/8ish to go on the cheesiest tour ever.. our bus even had neighbours characters painted on the side! we went to the set where they have the garage and greese monkeys etc and also to erinsborough high.. then to the street where they were filming so we coouldnt walk up it .. its tiny! then after that we went to meet jenelle, who i think is the mum of loads of the kids in it, not sure-none of us are really major fans but will probably start watching it agan when we go back! cause of this we didnt bothergoing the neighbours night -they had stingray max and someone called rachel and someone else.. but we decided we'd probably prefer a night out of our own.. and with the rumour that theres a street called ACDC lane had plans!
ACDC lane is basically a tip down a side street but still quality cause they're ace.. i think they filmed a vid down there but not sure which one, thats why they renamed it. unfortunately none of the bars wereopen cause it wasnt the weekend but we took sonme pics of the sign.. a day of roadsigns, ramsey and acdc!
the next day we went to philip island and stopped off at a reserve on the way that had koalas and wombats and u got to feed the kangeroos which were dead cute! there were also some dingos and alligators.,. all aussie stuff. then we headed out to see the seal area and after that had pizza by the beach before going to the penguin parade. its so sweet how hundreds of blue penguins come toddling out of the sea and back to their nests when the sun goes down and they walk right past u sitting on the beach.
The next day, Weds, we went to meet Greg who we'd met in Ilha Grande who lives in Melbourne and drove us out a bit to a better beach where we hung out. The idea of going camping with his crew down great ocean rd was being sorted out but in the end only moores stopped for that and we've actually split up for the forst time on the trip.. emotional! she's inmelbourne now doing that and we're in sidders. but we met a really nice girl called gail just before we left who was staying in our room so shes being looked after! moore also thought shed lost her purse for the whole evening and had to cancel her card but its now turned up.. in her washbag haha.
The next day we ballsed up a bit because we faffed around in the morning looking for cars to hire the next day and by the time we got to the train station to go to soverign hill it was already 1.. we didnt really realise it was a full day thing and it took another hour and a half to get there. we almost went back and spent about 3 minutes in ballarak (i spent them wisely.. getting a sausage roll) and were actually waiting for the train to go when we decided to get off and just do it. we ended up having just under 2 hrs there which was fine.. it was a themed vilage with loads of stuff to do and games to play haha. and there was a museam about the gold rush there where they found most of the gold in Victoria. soo in the end glad we did it, but didnt get back in time to pick up our car which meant we couldnt leave until 8 the next morning to do great ocean road.. which meant it was going to be go go go to get to the 12 apostles and back in time for our night bus!
we picked up our car in the morn about 9 cause we went to the compnay we'd already spoke to and they tried screwing us over at the last min with really high excess we'd asked them about and they'd basically lied! so we went to a different company and set off with just the 4 of us!! first time we've been prperly separated in 4 months! moore didnt come with us cause she was going over the weekend with Greg and didnt want to spoil it. It took us just over 2 hrs o get ot the start and i drove the whole day which was cool cause i rprefer it to just sitting there.
we drove all along the coast with the aim of getting to the 12 apostles and back in time to get our nightbus.. but it wasnt meant to be!! about the turning around time we were still half an hour away we reckoned which was gutting but the mist had come in too so even if we'd made it we probably wouldnt have been able to see anything anyway// and sul was being the reponsible onesaying we should go back even tho the rest of us were up for razzing it haha. so we got back with an hour to spare in the end (if only we'd known! - also there was a quicker route back we couldve taken which we found out about later..) and hopped on the 12hr bus to sidders! and then there were 4....
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