After leaving the heat of the Pantanal, we headed to Bonito by bus. On arrival Barn and I wet our knickers at the thought of finally being able to get our Brazil shirts.. but alas couldnt find anywhere that sold them! Instead, we settled for burger and chips. The next morning we set off early to go snorkelling in a fresh water river, I´ve never done this before and the whole experience was ace. It started off great when we spotted 4 monkeys really close together just on the walk to the river.. later on me & moore spotted another one that the guide had missed cause we were at the back woo pro´s and then there were another 2 when we were in the water.. we´d waited so long to see them in the jungle & wetlands then 7 came along at once!
The snorkelling was really cool.. you just lie down in the river and it pushes you along (kicking frightens the fish) and they swim along right next to you. Marty would have hated it as they were huuuge. We also got an underwater camera between the group to play with. The guy was hurrying us along the whole way cause we loved messing round with it so much, and me moore jo and caroljin snuck in for an extra dip afterwards ditching the swimsuits, wicked.
Bonito itself was pretty dead cause its just one road in the town, but we still went out for drinks in the evening.. (me moore and grant hanging back to finish our supermarket vodka and arriving with warrior paint, naturally). After much general merriment sully managed to drop the toilet door on her foot so we ended up getting a taxi back the 5m to our hotel haha
The next day we went to a lake in Bonito.. this had a zip wire into the water, a diving board, sun chairs, pet monkeys and parrots, and most importantly TABLE TENNIS. the boys were straight in and again it turned out to be me moore jo and caroljin that went in with the swimmage and zip wire games with more fish! Me and barn also got our long awaited table tennis game´, aka A Fight To The Death. The score of Richardson 19-21 Barnett did not reflect Richardson´s high level of skill.. justice will be served at the rematch.
Our journey from Bonito onto Iguassu was a transfer of a few hours followed by another night bus. The first journey saw the rise of the Name Game between me moore and grant (where you say the name of a famous person then the next player has to say someone else who has a first name that begins with their surname letter). Just for the record: 4days later, its still running, with a drop out of me who got stuck with all the bloody Os and Cs, and new recruits of Barn and Beav haha.
You may have noticed the blogs are dragging on more now.. mainly due to the fact my handwritten diary didnt really make it past day 2 Chile, so i´m using this instead.. i advise skim reading! haha.. Arrival in Iguassu to follow shortly..
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