other BA activities included going to the main shopping street of Florida where they had performers down the road doing tango. me sul and barn spent quite a bit of the day pottering around so by the time we got back to the hostel we[d missed everyone going out n were quite glad of an early night!
To make up for just disappearing to bed at some stupidly ealry hour.. us 3 got up early and went to Caminito.. a neighbourhood in Boca that has colourful houses, shops, cafes and more tango! We went for a hot choc/tea at one of the places and the tango dude kept asking us to dance.. barn found it amusing to say i really wanted to have a go, nob! so i got dragged up on stage (luckily there werent many people around) im sure i still went bright red and definitely didnt have a bloody clue what to do.. i think the rock n roll sign to barn n sul as he was tipping me over fitted in quite nicely. We made it back to the Clan by the afternoon in time for a BBQ on the roof with really raw steak!! i tried it and it was dead nice but didnt eat too much in case my belly had a prob with it.. stuck with the old favourite of sausages!
Later that night we went to a DRUM AND BASS night called bahrain.. this sounded like my ultimate nightmare.. but because noone goes out til really late in BA it was good chatting in the hostel first then by the time u get to the club it seems like a respectable time to leave haha.
We also ticked off visiting Evitas grave and the nice areas of Recoleta and Palmero.. tho it did take us hours to walk between the 2 after reception said u could do it in 20mins.. so by the time we got there we were all too nackered to find the actual centre and i have a feeling we were in completely the wrong place lol was good nontheless!
For our last night in SA were recommended to go to club 69 ..i wasnt too upfor this idea cause had been told it was full of freaks (and it was). ANyway turns out we'd survived the whole of SA without anything going wrong.. then on our last night 3 of us had our purses stolen.. typical! think we were all just giddy on our last day.. thats been the only night ive taken my card out with me in my purse ahh. then on the way back to cancel it me and sul had to get out the taxi a few streets away from our hostel as we were out of money.. and some guys tryed robbing us again.. ironic. we just ran off saying there was nothing left.. bloody gits! and now im the only one who has a complete set of drivers liscense and counterpart as the others have either one, the other or none lol could be interesting for our campervan plannage.
After that on the last day we were all pretty much ready to move on.. it was a shame it happened but if it hadnt i think we all would have been in tears and refused to leave SA haha so its for the greater good! i personally didnt like BA as much as i thought i would, its the only place ive felt it was a bit dangerous and was lacking in the day but the others think im mental for that soooo different tastes. We had our Last Supper of steak and piled back to the hostel to say bye to everyone :( .. we've realised we love the meeting people part but saying bye to thems not as hot! I'm gna miss South America loads, its been absolutely amazing, loved it all.... but NZs waiting.. bring it on!
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