so.. back again in Argentina! I`ve now got 4 entry stamps in my passport for this badboy .. 3 visits and another for luck cause ive got no visa, long story!
We crossed over on the ferry from Uruguay.. got up at 6am! Think it was possible cause we were all dead excited for Sullys bday later that night. We found our hostel right in the middle of the city by the massive 16lane road (takes forever to cross!) with the obelisco in the middle. We asked sully to stay at the hostel while wegot busy plotting our suprise for later.. we wanted to do fancy dress but the shops werent open,so despite attempts to find 80s clothes we ended up accidently reverting back to the old favourite of neon! We spent most of the day sorting out these andgetting an outfit for sully but they were class!!
That night we went to Pacha (not my music at all! but got horribly drunk so didnt notice it..) We got to know everyone from the hostel too and all the people arelovely and the staff are really cool so good times were had all round! we didnt get back til 7 and finally went to bed at 9.. argentina stays upLATE!
Somehow me barn and sul dragged ourselves out of bed about 12 because boca juniors were playing their only match at home while we were there and we were desperate to see a game. it was absolutely awesome. we lost our group in the crowd and somehow ended up sitting with the hardcore fans behind the goal. the atmosphere was really ace considering it wasnt even a derby and though the first half was standard the 2nd half picked up and ended with 2 indepencia (sp?) players being sent off and a fight kicking off between the players and ref. was pretty mental with fans climbing overthe barbed wire to the pitch and we had the away fanssitting above us BAD IDEA. they showered all the boca area in spit continuously and everyone was watching the game with hoods up, gross. then it went mental when itfinished with them throwing anything they could get their hands on ahhh so we waited til everyone had goneto leave.. loveddddd it tho, totally different ground andeverything ahh
anyway gotto go for our last supper in south america.. a nice steak!! to be continuedxxxxxx
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