Jen and Tor's tour
Captain's log 2 - O god it's hot!
Bearings: South by south/east - gulf of thailand
Date: Have no idea what time/day/date it is anymore - completely confused!
So, last time i left off i think we were headed for Auythaya for a day of dodging dogs packs...well that didn't happen! What we actually did was spend most of the day in bed and trawling the streets Of Bangkok's markets beacause we are too lazy!
The day after though was far more productive..we checked out of our palace in the moring and went to book the next stage of our journey. We got a train/boat combo to the island we're on at the mo.
So after booking that we went to a HUGE shopping place in Bangkok to while away the hours, and i got so bored i had my ear pierced to spicen things up - even managed to squeeze in a film - something i didn't expect to be doing whilst in thailand!
So later that evening we got our night train to Chumpon and spent the majority of the trip chatting to our new friends Adam and Guy, but we were being so loud that they got chucked out our carriage and we slept the rest of the way - suprisingly comfortable and a really cool way to travel.
We arrived at our stop at 4:00am and leaving the boys to continue south we disembarked and got the bus the the dock...where we spent the next three hours chatting to our other new friend jen and jose. Got the boat at 7:30am and arrived three hours later to what can only be described as a little slice of was so amazingly beautiful that we ran out of words...completely gobsmacked!
So, the last few days have been spend lying on the beach, snorkelliing and swimming, and getting rather brown....and if im not toowrong that is how it will continue for some time to come!
Moving on to another island in a couple of days where i shall put some photos on for you to see.
Thanks for all your emails/messages,
Speak soon, jen and tor xxx
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