Jen and Tor's tour
Hello and welcome to our journal...sit back, relax and enjoy the ride ('cause it gets off to a bumpy start!).....
So after getting up at very unsocialable hours of the morning to catch the bus to the airport..we miss it! But fear not! We got the next one and made it to the place where the big birds fly from...all went well and we got our plane, window seat and middle seat - great we thought, we can see thailand when we land...little did we know we had a baaad two hours ahead of us! For you see the aisle seat next to us was accommodating a complete lunatic..that, needless to say, drank like a fish - told of endless stories of his 'lady' friend that was waiting for him in bangkok - stole food of tor's tray and generally irritated the hell out of us! Some very kind lady informed the stewardess and we were soon moved, unfortunately we had to sacrifice sitting with each other but it was bloody worth it so we wern't anywhere near him! Anyway...with that out the way we landed, queued for an hour to get through customs, began to melt in the humidity outside and collapsed into a taxi...
After a let's say interesting taxi ride we arrived on Kaosan (?) road - our refuge. Found a very pleasant 'palace' and dumped our stuff - naturally heading for the nearest watering hole.
Green chicken curry for dinner - very nce and whilst sitting watching the germany/sweden game we spotted our first bit of thai wildlife - yup, you got it..we saw our very first ladyboy and may i say he/she was wearing a very fetching green dress!
So now we're settled and getting used to the rush of Bangkok - which is huge by the way, much much bigger than i expected and noisy to boot but that was expected.
Tomorrow is a day of exploration - we're heading up to Ayuthaya (the old capital city) to do temply things and ride bikes around the park whilst avoiding the local dog packs - should be fun!
So, enough for now...hope you enjoyed our first entry and we shall speak soon (if the dogs don't get us....!) xx
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