Hey Jen, Katie just gave me the link to your pics and i must admit they are making me very jealous!! I hope you have had a gud time and will see u wen u get back!
I can assure you that it is actually quite easy to trap your ear in a cardoor, don't recommend it though as it goes VERY blue!!
Love the new pics
How does anyone trap their ear in a car??? Love the photos of the 'Andrews' are you sure they weren't pics of Tom?? It sounds fabulous and scary and wonderful and I'm still not jelous.....
See ya.....
Hey weiners!
Loving all the photos, can't believe all the things you've seen in such a short period of time!
Look forward to seeing pictures of the bruises Jen, I feel that this almost makes up for the pain of trapping my ear in you car. Almost.
Well i'll see you soon..have fun
wow I am not jelous really I'm not I mean Britain is sooo lovely this time of year and if I say it often enough I will believe it myself! Nice to see you are enjoying the student life Jenny!
Your mum is doing NO WORK WHATSOEVER wheras I am working very hard like I always do. Love the photos - be safe
hi here, its your old mate adam, where is all your pictures you said you would post, you lazy gits. anyway you look as though you are having te best time. keep up with all the journals and hope to see you soon. bye bye
Now then you two this is Jen here the oldest bon jovi fan you took to the concert. l hope you both are havin great time and behavin yourselves we are all thinking about you and feeling rather jealous. Been to see your mum Jen today and she gave me your details to send an email to you.We would like to see some photos so get clicking girls and make us feel really bad.Weather here is changeable but we are in for some hot weather at weekend so me and your mum are going to the Blackie for a drink on our own!!! so we will toast you both with a larger &lime (wuppydooo) so keep in touch lots of luv to you both xxxxxluv aunty Jen.