We seemed to have enjoyed our time here but perhaps allowed a little too long. As cities go though they certainly cater for everybody's needs.
Our dinner on the colonial tram took us round the city at night and the meal was superb - probably the best since we have been here and the champagne, wine, beer and liqueurs were certainly flowing. They poured us out and we certainly had our moneys worth without making a spectacle of ourselves.
Because Ray had endured Sex and the City I felt it was only fair that he should see Indianna Jones and we treated ourselves to Gold Class at the movies. Don't know if they have this in the UK - not being frequent movie goers - but what a treat. We watched the film in huge reclining armchairs and a hostess brings your required refreshments at the press of a button. You can even have a full dinner if you want. Oh and we quite enjoyed the film but Ray says not the best Indianna he has seen.
Another unbelievable sight here is the war memorial. If there is one thing that the Oz's do that is admirable, is remember their war dead and certainly give the respect they deserve to the troops that are currently involved in conflict.
Although we are looking forward to moving on tomorrow (mainly because there is not much more to see and it is cold at night) Melbourne is certainly a place that has everything no matter what your religion; all denominations of church (arabic baptist - different), all sports (on land and sea), the casino, wining and dining, theatre and arts and all within a short tram ride away.
Keep in touch
Jen and Ray
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