Due to 60 knot winds and 8-12 metre swells in the sea (slightly inclement weather) we did not manage to sail out of Wellington on Sunday. Thankfully we were able to check back into our lovely motel and hibernate for another night. Began to think it really was going to become our home!!
However, we set sail at 9.00 am Monday as things had improved and have to say not as bad as we were expecting. I am not a particularly good sailor so we stayed on deck which was pleasant because the sun was shining and we found a little shelter keeping out the bitter winds. It is a 3 hour journey but you don't lose sight of land at all. The ferry takes you out of Wellington across the Cook Strait and winds through picturesque Tory Channel and Queen Charlotte Sound before arriving at Picton. We were amazed at the difference in the sea as we turned into the Sound as it suddenly became a millpond and the scenery was absolutely stunning. We managed to catch sight of a pod of dolphins which added to the excitement.
The road to Nelson took us through the vineyards of boutique wineries (seems to be the in terminology but small wineries with a "cellar door" and sell directly to the public) surrounded by snow capped mountains - the scenery was quite magnificent and definitely had an alpine feel. The sun still stayed with us which as usual seems to make a difference to our mood.
Nelson region is one of the top NZ holiday destinations, boasting more sunshine than any other part of NZ. It is apparently the home of enthusiastic artists and craftspeople but not being our scene we didn't follow that one up. It certainly had a beautiful beach and once again in the distance were the snow clad mountains. We walked along the beach and watched our first NZ sunset (of course it was the best). Have to say though it was quite bizarre walking along a sunny beach and yet on the horizon the mountains were definitely in winter mode.
Christ Church Cathedral in Nelson took 47 years to build from 1925, because of arguments about the design, but is supposed to be a fine example of Art Deco - wouldn't have a clue about that! Close to the Cathedral is South St and is said to be the oldest preserved street in NZ (built between 1863 and 1867) Will these questions ever come up in Trivial Pursuit we ask ourselves.
Making our way to Franz Josef and the glaciers over the next couple of days so will report in later.
Thanks once again to all leaving messages on the blog - it's good to know some are not saying Jen and Ray who?
Jen and Ray
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