Full moon, half moon, total eclipse! ( title in memory of the Jaffa cake ad! )
We've just left Koh Phangan-party central! It has to be our funniest accommodation story to date- we'd picked a very centrally located hostel knowing that we wouldn't get a wink of sleep but that we could get to the full moon party beach in 2 minutes flat. Sounds good? Well location-wise it was perfect for the beach but location-wise within the hostel it was crazy! We were led to an 8 bed dorm, the 5 of us as we were reunited with Gina and Elisa for a final stint. We exited the hostel, took a left, left again and then entered a Muay Thai boxing ring! Our room was a door off the arena!!! So bizarre! Inside was Alex the host of the local Muay Thai boxing fights (held every night) lying on his bed with a broken nose, he was chatty enough but turned out to be rather annoying as he loved to talk and didn't know when to shut up.... But did tell us that if we had any problems the boxers would help us, that we should treat them like brothers haha!
Everyday we lay in bed listening to the final countdown and the announcements for that evenings fight.."Muay Thai Muay Thai....big fights big fights so bring all your friends etc...", I now HATE that song!
Room aside I had a really good time! The partying was amazing- we went out the 2 nights leading up to full moon and then the big one for full moon itself! The day of full moon we bought glow in the dark outfits, mine was a pair of neon orange shorts with a black top that had glowing sunglasses on! Once ready we cracked open the uv paint and spent 2 hours painting each other..we got a bit addicted and couldn't stop adding more artwork! The beach was crammed full when we arrived with uv everywhere! We drank a lot of vodka buckets and danced like crazy at cactus bar, the best place to be! Every few hours we'd sneak off for takeaway and then get back on the buckets! As the night went we got drunker and drunker. Lauren managed to dance with a guy without noticing he had long hair- her quote the next day..."you know you're drunk when you don't realise the guy you're dancing with has a rat tail"! Then the fun moved to Natalia who sat on the side of the road drinking a bucket to herself and announced-"i want to be so drunk that I can't recognise people on the street, I want to be out of it". This resulted in a sleepy Nut who missed the sunrise cos she fell asleep on the beach, propped up on a bench, mouth open wide!! Luckily Lauren and I swapped that last bucket for an amazing pancake and together with Gina and Elisa watched the first sunrise I've ever seen- it was beautiful! We celebrated our night with a dip in the sea and then headed to bed at 8.30am, not forgetting the all important chicken schnitzel on the way home. It claimed to be the best in Koh Phangan but to us tasted like the best in the world ( once I'd established what schnitzel actually was -fried chicken and not a sausage which I originally thought! ) in our sloshed state!
The other nights beforehand were just as good and not too crowded, we went to the beach and the next night to a pool party although half of is didn't go in cos it was cold! Yup...we've had a cloudy few days which we were grateful of to nurse our hangovers but we need to get back to tanning soon!
I've never done so little in a day- each day we got up, found food, lounged in the lobby for between 4 and 6 hours, found more food and went out! I struggle with wasting days like this but it was needed and we'll be sure to sightsee in the next place!
Before I finish I must tell you 1 more thing! We met the Bangkok champion boxer and later Alex stopped us to tell us that Mr.Bangkok wanted to "boom boom" Natalia! What a phrase!! We carried on using the term and came round to talking about what good fighters the boxers are and whether with them being so small they would be any good at "boom booming"!!
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