Nice 'mooching about' day, today! Got a haircut, ear-clean ( ! ), shave and massage, all for 3 quid, bargain! He misunderstood my request at first, though, and actually soaped up my head, ready to shave 'up-top'! I had to mime 'shave chin, clipper head', otherwise I would have ended up with a 'Kojak'!
Then we went to see Mr A Dong, the tailor, to do what every other visitor to Hoi An does, order an item of clothing made-to-measure. Items ready to collect in 24 hours, sir, ding dong!
To fulfil Sal's vision of a romantic bike-ride through the 'Nam countryside, we've booked a guided cycling day trip, which has had consistently good reviews on 'Trip Advisor'. I've already got visions of myself cycling along in combat shorts, vest, GI dogtags, imaginary rifle slung over my back, looking out for 'charlie' in the trees, and listening to the 'Apocalypse Now' soundtrack on my iPod (don't tell Sal, I don't think that is how she imagines the day going!).
We met some funny American women at a restaurant last night, they thought we were Scottish! One woman was from Alaska, and suitably embarrassed about Sarah Palin. They loved 'Nam too, and we chatted for ages, comparing experiences. Top Yanks!
- comments
jeff One star, ONE STAR!! You're joking, right?!?