Hi Pete. Sonya, Su and Winona have looked into the Texts. Sonya thinks there were two texts that you didn't receive. Su and Winona have checked everything, and no faults found. Winnie successfully sent a message to Su. She has your correct phone number. When you can, let us know if you are or are not receiving texts from Winnie. She seems to be receiving yours, which is the main thing.
Hi Janet. Brilliant news that surgical intervention has not been necessary. Three cheers for nature! Items sent as requested. Thought splitting into three might increase chance of you receiving something.
J & P. We had a great day with Winona. Hope you are able to open your hotmail message from her Pete(sooner or later). .
Keep up the good work.
Thanks for all your birthday messages everyone. i had a great day. We got down to the lake and took aboat out onto Cresent island. There you can walk around amongst the game. Giraffe, wilderbeast, zebra, waterbuck and loads of antelope types. The birding was ace with fish eagles buzzing around our heads. On the boat back we got up close to some hippos. back to town for monster chinese meal. Had "fish looks like squirrel" which was super tasty. Had a party with the boys back at the shelter when we got back.
Winona, thanks for staying in touch so well, i love you too and miss Friday fun time too.
Edge the bee eaters fly outside my window everyday.
The chickens are at home in our house and lay eggs for us every day.
Sorry about the lack of photos we are having trouble getting them onto the web site.
Eric and Tricia, you may have to look into helping Winona sort out phone problem. Have not had a text from Win since 31 August. I know she has been sending them but they are not getting through to us. They were at first few weeks. Would be greatful if you could look into it.
Bye for now, thanks again for all the messages.
Pete xxxxxxxxxx
Can't believe it's taken me this long to access the website babe!! However, I'm now back in contact with the cyber world at work and my e-mail is attached. I just spent the whole weekend in bed - recovering from Abi's tonsilitis - if that makes sense. It's so good to read all these messages - 20 words in a text doesn't do the job - still, let me have your e-mail adress now so that I can keep in touch better. I haven't been up to anything exciting at all - You think you are jealous of other peoples adventures!!! Sold the car to the guy from next door who has now moved - which is good cos every time I came home and saw your car I thought you'd come to see me - plus Abi loved going in it. She talks about you lots and we keep looking at photos. I've got to go and work out what I'm teaching next so will say bye for now, but will be thinking of you tomorrow sweetie, please please let me know that everything is ok. Miss you, Big huggles from Abigail and snogs from me.
Hey Guys! Sounds like you are both having a great trip! Happy Birthday to Pete! and hope Janet is feeling better. Wishing you a safe journey, Troy n Bec
N,pb&r Guy
T Guy Band
happy birthday bro have fun in the sun don't burn your bum
Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, I saw a fat monkey and I thought it was you!!!!Hope you have a fabulous Birthday - it certainly should be different that the usual!I start back at Uni on monday- not looking forward to that as I've quite liked having a summer of rest pretending that I dance and sing full time again. Still it was fun while it lasted - let the hard work begin! Anyway til next time, miss and love you lots! xxxxxxxx
Your Little Winnie
Happy Happy Happy Happy Birthday Daddy. Have a happy day today (or maybe tommorrow) Missing you both.Hope you celebrate it dad.Miss the fridays of fun but im having a good time here. A new girl called Catlin started school on Monday. She is really nice. love you lots + lots + lots + lots + lots + lots + lots + lots + lots+lots more lots. from your little winniexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Janet's Mum
Hello John. Great to hear from you. Your first ever typed message was very good. I've enjoyed hearing from Janet about yout home and activities. Janet's Mum.
Janet And Pete
Hi folks, sorry for the lack of photos, it's not for wont of trying. We have just wasted a long time witing for nothing to upload. thanks for the messages, keep them coming. Can someone ask my head of dept to let me know my results please - J.
thanks for the medicine mum, i've got it now. p.s where was the sneaky parcel of sweets?!
have fun celebrating my birthday - P
hello Janet's mum is me John
That was John's first ever typed message, specially for you mum!
lots of love to all... especially Abi.
J Guy Band
Happy birthday P Guy Band! Hurrah! Celebrate it with the chickens.
Kyle Clements
Hey its kyle. Hope your having a good time. Reg isn't as good as it use to be wish u was still our reg teacher it was fun. Miss was away to day so we had Mrs Daveys! for reg and had to have an uniform check lol ( laugh out loud). Its not as good as year 10 cause we have got to write are homework in not on the days that we are set it but the days they are meant to! lol so that confusing lol and i have been set loads of homework already :( lol. Scott came in to reg yesterday lol that was funny but he hasn't been in school today. Everyones fine hope to hear from you soon :) xxx