P&J good to hear that the travelling is progressing well, we keep Bryn informed of your progress and he is now quite into Africa. We all had a good time at the Zoo with Win, it was kind of our own Safari experience. Saw some Zebra, Lions, giraffes and elephants, none of which were roaming majestically because it was quite cold and wet. We went to the sealife place and ticked off plenty of tropical fish too. We could put our photos on your website if you're still having trouble. I'm not sure anyone would notice. Our hols in Dorset were great with the Kids, Win and Daisy had a superb time playing Bryn and Ro. Bryn was was so excited because he had a telly in his room. We got some coast path done, a short loop around Burton Bradstock which strangely enough ended in a cream tea, do they do cream teas in Zimbabwe?. Thanks for the post cards, we tried to send a few text messages when we had Win but for some reason they didn't get delivered. Do you have a fixed address for Crimbo, if so send it on the next card and we'll post some stuff off to you. Thats all for now, best wishes from us all, NPB&R
ug - i've had 3 hours sleep - i will never attempt diy again. managed to put a hole in a water pipe for the central heating - don't ask!! couldn't get a plumber but who needs one when you've got a dad!! That is so what dad's are good at - 11 pm phone calls cos i've messed up again! and he came smiling! got to bed at 2 having drained the system, only to be woken by Abi at 5.15! And Will expects me to make coherent conversation about mathematics?!! no chance - can i get on a plane and come and join you? i think i'm rambling now bye!!!
I have a theory that you are both living it up in a country mansion near Sevenoaks. Your website is far too well maintained to be from another continent and the tales you tell can only be works of fiction. So as you ease your bodies from the spa and sip another Manhattan whilst waiting for the main course to arrive, know that the game is up! Next time you say that you wandered past a herd of zebras, i will be imagining three sheep and a discarded Harrods bag. In case you are actually there, can I have the rights to your memoirs?
Jill Jjd
Great to hear the journey is going well. Had a good 5 days with winnie and N Guy family last week. winnie is really growing up. They enjoyed the Dorset walks despite getting rained upon.
Dont forget we need those postcards.
Thought it was about time I put a proper message on the board instead of spending a fortune sending short texts all the time. Life is strange at the mo! Absolutely hating my new course at uni - lots of stress and very full on. Am being incredibly irritable with everyone around me. Luckily have my twice weekly escapes to work, which despite being on the 18th Christmas show so far this year with another 40 odd to go, is keeping me strangely sane!! I am on reading week this week which I think has saved me from a nervous breakdown, so I'm hoping to go back next week refreshed and raring to go. It's really not as bad as I'm making out but I have a reputation for being a drama queen to uphold you know!
Went to cinema last night to watch A Shark's Tale. Very good, and they did an amazing job at making the shark character that Robert DiNero plays look just like him, complete with mole on cheek! Mum, Win and I were all wearing our Kenyan necklaces. I keep mine on constantly and have had many jealous comments at Uni about it. Am currently very busy planning a surprise 60th party for Carol (Paul's mum- Ooops! hope she doesn't read this - could spoil the surprise!!). Went to magistrates court today as part of my research for uni. Very interesting and saw a wide variety of druggies, wife beaters, drink drivers and general yobs. Put me off criminal work completely. Couldn't deal with such a bunch of thick losers every day (Don't sound like too much of a snob do i?) Anyway, since the most interesting thing that happens to me at the mo is buying a new pack of highlighter pens, I think I'll sign off. Missing you both lots and lots. Mum and I seem to spend our whole life talking about you now that you're gone! Strange! Lots of love Su xxx
P.S. You might be interested to hear that Kelly Johns' boyfriend, Stacey has finally proposed. She finally has a ring on her finger, so I'm planning to be Franc, the wedding planner- hurray!!!
Janet - (Again!)
Sorry about this, it appears that I am on the world's slowest computer but only when it comes to hotmail accounts. So no email writing today. Sorry to Mum, Su and Cate, who were to be today's lucky recipients. I'll try again in Victoria falls. We are actually in Harare in Zimbabwe now; despite the authorities best efforts to try to stop us getting through the border. In about an hour we are off to Lake Kariba - apparently the world's biggest man made lake, complete with crocs and hippos - for a 3 day stay on a house boat, before moving off to Antelope Park (sounds fabulous if you believe the hype - scarily I always do, despite subsequent evidence being to the contrary) then our last port of call in Zim is Victoria Falls. Being in Zimbabwe had finally allowed me to fulfill my dream of being a millionairress. I changed $150 into Zim$ and received Z$1,125,000 in return. Bargain! Unfortunately I have spent 200,000 already on a few packets of crisps and a doughnut!
About to plunge into the depths of pain for a few days - those who know me well will understand and hopefully sympathise. Luckily the 14 hour continuous truck drive was yesterday, so in that sense I've timed it well. We were upgraded at the campsite last night - for free!! - so have been luxuriating in hot showers and comfy mattresses. Hurrah!
Bye for now.
Hi all, thanks for messages, texts, emails etc...
still no luck getting our photos on the web, may have to wait until Oz at Christmas when we are in one place with internet access for more than a few hours!
Winnie - good luck with all your plays, music and other activities, i hope you had fun at the cinema with Su. Your daddy is having to shop for dinner now so I printed out your message so that he can read it later. We are thinking of you all the time.
Lisa - thanks for keeping me up to date Sweetie, I appreciate it. We are having a fabulous time, but sad though it may be of me I am actually missing school and my life and friends at home! Pete thinks I'm mad, but I guess I'll get the travel bug out of my system and then really love being in good old Blighty.
Ness - organise the big trip girlie! Can thoroughly recommend a small island in Malaysia called Pulau Tioman if you fancy a cultural experience complete with turquoise waters and brightly coloured fish that swim around your ankles!!
Cate - I am going to try to send you an emali again. The last one had lots in it that was specific and I can't remember it all. Let me know if you get it please.
Su - see email. Love you Sweetie.
Mum - ditto.
Nicky, Andrew, Nikki and Andy - where are you? We can access email easily now, so please keep in touch.
Lots of love to all , Janet
hello - not really got anything interesting to say but I feel a bit weird reading your messages and not replying!! feeling very strange today in more senses than one. its odd having tuesday off - i sort of forget I'm at work and then on Weds everyone is right in the thick of their week - shpouldn't comlplain i suppose - can't type either, sorry. took abi to the aquarium yesterday and then into town where she threw a lovely temper tantrum in waterstones of all places!! Still - making up was good, she was an angel for the rest of the day. sounds like you are having fun - bye for now - big hugs to you both xxx Cate
Little Miss Winnie
Hi Daddy and Janet,
Just a quick one. You can't always have much to write.
Glad your well.have you seen any elephants yet? thanks for the presents.Im always wearing the necklace and bracelets. school is great. We are doing a play of Oliver for Christmas but we dont know who we are yet.Slowly but surely I'm turning into Lisa Simpson with the sax.The violin is going well too.Wish my luck for the play at drama club.It will be here soon. Plays are just poppin out everywhere as you could say.Halloween has come and gone with spooky clouds and moon.Christmas next.roll up roll up!
miss you lots
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
P.S.Thanks for the book twist of gold.Its about children who escpe from the plague and try and seek their father through sinking ships with meancaptains to fiddling and dancing in the street where they get picked up by the rich and go on a journey they could never forget.
P.P.S. Thanks to N,P,B,+R for the book Molly moon.Great book. see you soon everyone. byebye
Hi, I am only a little jealous of all your experiences. I've just been catching up on the postcards - can't wait to see the photos - the descriptions sound beautiful enough!! So while you two are slowly going brown, the rest of us are slowly going white in the dismal rain and wind - I can tell you're jealous! I think I'm going to have to start looking into holidays in hot places for early next year - give me something to look forward to.... Glad you're feeling better now Janet. Hope you get visa's sorted out quickly - looking forward to hearing the next installment.... Lots of love, Ness xx
Sally & Paul
Hi Guys, your trip sounds amazing, we'll definately be adding Africa to out list of places we haven't been to yet! Seems like your adapting to the local travel well, look forward to seeing some photos soon. Take Care of yourselves. Sally and Paul xx