yeah she talked 2 us. it was me sarah barnaby, emma baker, kerry Johnson, Sasha Cannarella and Laura English there. She was in Turnchappel and we were the only ones who new as it was were sarah worked!!!!!!!! I was quite drunk and cryed. She had a huge head but is thinner than she is on T.V! I sent u a picture of us all with her 2 ur hotmail account but not sure if u can see it.
I have revised and will definitly revise for my real ones.
I will speak to Hannah and we talk in ICT and I think she is ok now. but i will tell her for u!
Love Kerry xxxxxxxx
Miss you!!!!!!!
Ms B
Hi Kerry,
Wow! I can't believe you met Nadia! Did you get to talk to her? Was she as overexcitable as when she was on BB? Tell me everything! Try to do at least a little bit of revision, I shan't forgive you if fail your GCSEs. Glad the oil teaching helped but it's hardly ever in the real exams for more that one mark's worth, so make sure you really know your year 11 stuff for science.
Give Hannah Chiswell my love when you next see her. Tell her I'll be in touch when I can.
p.s. I hope you have kept up the decorating the room traditions, I'll die of a broken heart if not.
p.p.s Say hi to the rest of the tutor group for me and tell them they're all slackers other than yourself and Miles!
Cate - I sent you an email a couple of days ago. Let me know if you got it.
Nicky and Andrew and Nik and Andy - where are you? Please keep in touch!!
hi - Heather says hi Janet - she's doing ok - working hard, We had a good weekend - played samba at the opening of some lights!! hope you get the e-mail I sent from home - really want to be able to write you a long letter!! Guess you'll be in oz soon, bye for now, xx
Kerry C
I met Nadia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From big brother. We had pur photos taken and got her autographs. Brilliant. It was sarah barnabys birthday and Nadia was in the pub, just up from sarahs, promoting the bosses club! I love her!
have Fun.
Tony Human
Hi Janet & Pete , What an adventure you are having....Booked accommodation Vivione Bay Kangaroo Is ...Arrive Sun 26-12-04 depTues 28-12-04..Arranging Kaye to meet you at airport on your arrival ....will keep you posted on other arrangments.
Got my head shaved in Vic Falls so i am now taking the skinheads bowling ( got big lanes, got big lanes)
Thanks again to everyone for staying in touch we are now trucking on through Namibia and hurtling on down to SA.
Mel........... your just such a MUM. Sounds like things are going well with baby A despite the loss of brain cells that becoming a parent automatically involves. Hope all goes well with going back to work. I,m missing going swimming with you guys. Say hi to Win for me if you can. Thanks for being there.
JJJ and D ................. the radiation vibes are bustin' here in Namibia. 2 days and i'll be catching a wave. Can you say hi to Mum for me. We have been unable to find usable public phones, but will be in touch from SA.
N PB and R...... Winona has our contact address for Adelaide. Hope all is well with you, what happened to Holland?
Anyone....... How are Palace doing now?
Winona... i'm going to try and send you a proper email now, but hi anyway and good luck with the play on sunday. xxx
Kerry C
hi. sorry i havn't wrote 4 ages the computer have viruses. I've had 2 english exams so far coz were doing our mocks. i have jus done my first bit of revising and been on bite size. We have a chemistry exam 2moz and i just done some practice paper and on crude oil I got 100%. I started by gettin 10%on one paper then 30%on a differnt one, then 20%, then 50% on a hard one, then 100% on the crude oil!!!!!!!! all that work in ur lesson actuall payed off. I think I like revising! I hardly ever revise!!!!!!! I'm impressed! Im doin foundation so I should be O.K.
It sound great out there and I can't believe ur actually missing home. Wanna swap?
Keep safe.
Luv Kerryx
Thanks for all the messages guys. I have put a new postcard on althoughit is the fastes t and therefore least entertaining one ever wirtten. Thanks especially to school friends for their updates. I can't believe that my room remians undecorated in the middel of November. Jacki, all the decorations and the tree are in the cupbard behind my board, please talk to Shelley I can't stand the thought of my room going stale in my absence. Thanks to Tracey for keeping the traditions alive. You'll be horrified and saddend to know that I am desparately missing school despite having a fantastic time here. On the plus side it means I'll enjoy coming back. I miss my whole life a lot. I know, sad but true. Pete can't beleive that on some days I would simply rather be teaching in my room and chatting to Cate in the evenings. Sorry to let down the adventurous types buit I think that I'm a home body at heart!
Laura R& Andy
Hiya Miss!
Thought it was about time we sent you a messagel! Hope this email find you both well and having lots of fun! (grr so jealous!) We think that the upper school show this year is going to be phantom of the opera.. should be interesting! Andy has found out he's dyslexic which has explained alot of things. He says that that biology lessons just arent the same without you and misses giving you treats! Sixth form is boring yet stressful as normal you'll be glad to hear! Miss Frewar has broken her elbow and is signed off for 2 weeks, not sure how she did it though. Keep up the good work over there, hope to hear from you soon
Love from Laura and Andy
Hannah C
Hiya Ms! Hope you are having a good time.
Have loads to tell you- lots of things happened over the summer! Connie says hello, she is here as we are revising (or at least trying) for mocks, which start on Friday- should be fun!!! Hope to hear from you soon - Lüv from Han x