After eating breakfast with all of the family, Daniel dropped Hannah and I off inside of Slottsskogsparken, a huge park in the center of town. It was raining lightly, but not enough to keep us away. We walked through the park for awhile and went over to the National History Museum housed within the grounds, but it wasn't open yet. Instead we crossed the highway to the botanical gardens (the largest in Sweden) and walked around enjoying the beautiful scenery. From there, we walked into the downtown area. We had tea and a massive Swedish version of a cinnamon roll (I can't recall the name) at a cafe in an area of little cobble-stoned streets filled with shops just opening for the day. We made our way through downtown until we reached our final destination, Liseberg, Scandinavia's largest amusement park. Outside the gates there were a bunch of pre-teen girls sitting in rain ponchos. We soon found out that Eric Saade, some Swedish version of Bieber, was performing at the park later today. As soon as the gates opened, they ran off so they could stand in front of the stage for 7 hours until he played. Stupid girls. Luckily, the rain stopped as soon as Liseberg opened so Hannah and I head directly for the roller coasters. Along the way we past by what must have been at least 10 stands of the exact same game. You bet on a number between 1 and 100 and they spin a wheel. If it lands on your number you win a massive candy bar, bag of chips or other sorts of sweets. So before long there were people walking around with gigantic Toblerone bars or bags of Walker's potato chips. We tried our luck at a couple, but with no success. The first ride we tried was Balder, a wooden roller coaster with a 70 degree drop. Next to it was Kanonen, which rockets you from the start from 0-70km in 2 seconds and takes you through all sorts of loops and turns. There were lots of spinning, dropping and swinging rides but the biggest and newest attraction is AtmosFear, the tallest drop tower in Europe. I can't remember the exact numbers, but it was somewhere around 400 feet tall and drops at a speed of around 70 mph. Unfortunately, both of us chickened out but if I ever come back to Göteborg, it'll be my top priority. We spent most of the day there and ended with the log ride and raft ride, which was disappointing as we both came out relatively dry. But regardless, it was a very fun day. Daniel picked us up afterwards and we had dinner with everyone back at the house. Hannah and I played with the kids until it was time for them to sleep and then we played a bunch of 2-player card games like we used to at my family's cabin in Lake Tahoe. It was a great way to unwind from the craziness of Liseberg earlier. Tomorrow is the beginning of a whole new adventure!
- comments
Jenna Don't hate on excited pre-teen girls Jaybird!