Yo, yo, yo!!
A quick update for y'all..... still in NZ, Lisa's dad and bro are here now, so it's a totally different kind of experience, we are actually staying in hotels/motels and not hostels, and eating fancy food.... (more fancy than noodles and beans, which I pretty muched lived on, whilst on Stray...). Seeing pretty much the same places, but in a more relaxed way. Travelling round in a converted people carier, called a "spaceship" (google it!) which can be slept in, altho we havent slept in it yet.... don't think Lisa's dad is too keen on the idea!!
Not done anything interseting really, just travelling round, and showing them the places we liked best in NZ!
looking back on our trip so far tho... we have seen a new President inducted (probably not the right word, but cant think of a better one!) In the US, on top of seeing lots of unrest and economic issues there, been in Fiji for a political coup, and are now in NZ in the midst of an alleged "swine flu" epidemcic and are off to Aus soon, where there is more swine flu issues! oh, and some racial fighting going on in Sydney....!! Think we must be jinxing all the places we are going!!! look out Asia!!! hehehe!!
Not a lot else to say at this point, had a relaxed(ish!) few weeks, off to Oz on the 21st, so will be right back in the traveller lifestyle then, with more news to report (hopefully!!) hope all is ok back in Blighty, will get some more photo's uploaded ASAP, mailnly of lakes, mountains and sunsets tho!! (they have awesome sunsets over here!)
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