Day 32
Left Langkawi today and arrived in KL by 4pm, the flight only took an hour and really was much better than taking a coach or minibus :) KL has a really good public transport network. We were able to take something called the LRT, basically the train. The LRT took us direct to 'Pasar Seni' station, just around the corner from 'Petaling Street' or Chinatown where our hotel was situated. It was a good location as there was lots going on around that area in the evening. We were also quite close to 'Central market' so took a look around there too.
Day 33
We took the monorail to a place called Bukit Bintang, which is one of the main shopping areas in the city. Was nice to have a look around but was just another shopping centre really. Had lots of the same stores as at home, M & S, Debenhams, Topshop etc etc! After seeing the shopping area we walked onwards to KL's twin towers', which happend to house its own shopping centre also :) We had headed to the towers as we had been told we would need to purchase tickets in advance so thought we would check it our rather than be dissapointed. Thankfully we were able to but tickets for the Sunday (now Friday), and as it was closed Monday, we left KL Tuesday so it worked out quite nicely. The area surrounding the towers is very nice, its a huge complex with a park, which has a kids swimming pool, convention centre, shopping centre, lakes, bars and resturants. The whole complex is owned by Petronas hence the name of the towers 'Petronas Twin Towers'.
Day 34
We went to visit the KL tower, which isnt too far from the twin towers. The KL tower is currently the 5th tallest tower in the world. We went there via a station called Dang Wangi, so had a look around that area before heading to the tower. We came across a large local weekend market which was great. It was so busy, loads going on with people selling all sorts of stuff and loads of differnt types of food. We tried something called a 'Apam-Balik' which was a type of sweet pancake with a distinct peanut taste but also has sweetcorn in it! Sounds interesting but extremely tasty, and only cost 50 sen (about 10p). We decided not to go to the top of the KL tower as we already had our tickets to go up the twin towers the following day, but we still managed to get some good photos of the tower.
Day 35
The tower was amazing! 88 levels and 452 metres above street level. Our first stop on the tour of the towers was the 41st floor to stop at the 'sky bridge', which connects the 2 towers and is the first viewpoint. The high speed lift takes only 40 seconds to get to this point and you can feel your ears pop on your way up. The bridge has 2 levels on floor 41 and 42 and was bult primarily for use incase of emergency in one of the towers, but it is obviously also used by people who work there to get between the towers. The next stop was the 86th floor, which is as high as you can go on the tour. You could see for miles, the views were incredible. Hope the photos we put on the blog will do it justice.
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