Tuesday 23rd August
It’s a funny feeling seeing buses with Cannes, Nice, St Tropez on the front and ordinary people getting on them. We never hear anything but glamor about these places back home. Today we decided to go to the Isle Sainte Marguerite for the day. We caught the bus into Antibes and then there was a bit of a muckup as we didn’t really know where the bus to Juan les Pins went from. You can use your one euro ticket for one hour so we got to and from for €1 each. We got off the bus at Juan and walked fast along the promenade as the boat was about to go but as it turned out we had plenty of time.
The boat trip took about an hour which was extra to what the timetable said but we did call in to a yacht harbour near Cannes and a whole lot of extra people got on board. The size of the boats in the harbour staggered us and we have read that the biggest pleasure boats in the world are able to moor in any of three or four harbours on the French Rivera. We got off the boat on the island and went looking for some place to put our togs on – couldn’t find a toilet so next best thing a beer at the bar and use their toilet. We bought bagettes and went looking for a beach. There was none but we found a spot under a tree on a shore where the ground had a lot of wood chip on it. Not too many people and the temperature was cooler than it had been previous days and there was a breeze. Lay our towels out and lay down – it was lovely. Eventually we had lunch and then after the prescribed time we went for a swim. Getting into the water wasn’t easy as the stones under foot were sharp but once in the luke warm water we didn’t have to worry until we got out.
Whilst we were swimming hordes of people descended onto our strip of shady land and started laying out their towels and blankets. Talk about close. If I hadn’t left my hat off the side of my towel the woman next to me would have been within .500mm away and that could have been closer. No place for us to stretch out and anyway it was about half an hour until our return boat came so we up sticks and wandered off. We got back to Juan and the first thing that hit us was the temperature – so much hotter than our day on the island. Two buses and back to the pool at our hotel to cool off.
I might now tell you a little about the history of this place. Antibes – Juan les Pins, two names for a single town in the heart of the Cote d’Azur. This is a very old part of the world. The Greeks used Antibes, know as Antipolis, as a trading port 300BC. Then the Romans used it and every other nation laid claim to it at some stage until the Grimaldi Family put walls up around the town in the 17th century to stop the Barbary pirates and other enemies. The Grimaldi Castle is now the Picasso Museum and was also once the home of Graham Greene. Victor Hugo spent time here and a bust bears witness to the poets’ awe. Guy de Maupassant dropped anchor often on Bel Ami. Juan les Pins was nothing one hundred years ago apart from a lot of pine trees. Some fellow and I can’t remember his name saw Florida with its palm trees and thought that he would like to create the same here. There are luxury hotels and shops here and it was the home of Rudolf Valentino. There is an annual jazz festival that the likes of Ray Charles and Miles Davis made their European debuts at the sandy beaches and promenades and this is where waterskiing was born. High society from all over the world came here to be admired and we haven’t seen anyone we know?
- comments
Lucy - the favourite one :) Hi there guys. your devoted blogee is back again. i apologise that it has been quite a while but i have been studying for prelims and internals and have been busy with cycling training for blenheim tour and hopefully nationals (if i get in - fingers crossed) and also dancing as our exams are in a few weeks. We had litoff cup (canterbury team time trial champs) today and our 4 person team of Caitlin Mercer, Phoebe McCaughan, Alice Grub and myself (team captain - woohoo !) rode in the under 16's out to beat the reigning champs, rangi who we bet at south islands but only with their b grade riders, so this time was the big one. we didnt find out our results until prizegiving but dad had been timing and he thought it was a pretty close call and couldnt tell for certain. We ended up getting silver as rangi beat us by 1 SECOND!!! arggghh. so bummed about that! but i suppose it just shows how close we all are compared to two weeks ago when they bet us by 21 seconds. the other villa under 16 team came 3rd which is really good for us. I have some photos of a very blue dominated podium which ill e-mail you when i can. It sounds like you are having a fantastic time although i must say i am struggling to keep up with all of the new blog posts so today i just looked through all of your photos which gave me a general idea of your adventures :) i will sit down and read every single one in order when i can. The places look amazing and i am so awfully envious of you two. looks like youre getting a pretty good tan aswell. how long til you get back?? were beginning to miss you a bit. its very quiet around without you two. funny that. Well i hope you continue to have a lovely time (without me) and i look forward to hearing from you again soon. love, hugs and kisses, your favourite who has now gone higher up the list :) xoxoxox
Lucy again p.s - i think you should turn all of your blogs into a trip book even like a real one that you could sell. it would be a very different type of book for people who are travelling to europe :) and then you could split the royalties with the person who is your manager (myself) and another 25% to the person who came up with the idea (myself) which would fund my future shopping sprees and uni fees. just a good idea i had :)