Finally reached Cairns after two flights and a bus ride... Silly really... It would probably have been just as cheap to get a flight direct from Melbourne to Cairns... But this only goes to show what people do when they're tired.
The weaather here isn't nearly as nice as I'd have liked it to be. It's pretty cloudy at the moment, but definitely a lot lot warmer than Melbourne. I miss Melbourne already and it was a bit hard to say goodbye. It has it's charm. Sarah, on the other hand, was delighted to get away. She's diving at the moment, or at least learning to dive.
My course, on the other hand, was cancelled due to lack of numbers. There's another dive school I'm going to have a look at, but it's a lot of money to spend... When I don't have much.
Anyways, we're staying in an 8 bed dorm here at the biggest backpacker place in Oz - 600 and odd beds. It has everything, including it's own club, which had a ministry of sound night on last night - was pretty mental.
One more note, don't stay up the night before you have a big day of travelling ahead of you, just because your flight leaves at 7 in the morning. It's just silly...
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