Slept till midday... the joys of not having a timetable to follow! Plus it's the weekend anyway. I like to get a feel for the place I am before doing any sight-seeing so today was just spent wandering the streets of Athens. It was raining today... and I finally relented to the demands of the 'umbrella-men' and bought one for 4 euros. I'm so weak-minded!
They have everything here a Scottish boy needs to survive - McDonalds, Domino's pizza, H&M, Marks & Spencer (I don't need it but was surprised to see it here!), Virgin Megastores (not zaavi!), IKEA, and Starbucks!!!
A little trip to see the Acropolis was in order, if only to see the view of the city from the top (the site was closed - perhaps a bit too lazy today!). A lovely dog decided it wanted to lead us the way to the top from the streets - I have a sneaky suspicion it was after some food, but none was to be had from us unfortunately for him. It got into a confrontation with another dog and its owner who seemed extremely pissed off. I'm sure he thought it was our dog - he was cursing away in Greek!
I'm now writing my essay (but clearly currently procrastinating!) quoting Latin phrases which I don't understand. Does anyone out there speak Latin? What does " qui primus exsectionem aggredi est ausus" mean? Help!
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