Hope you got my e mail. Thanks so much for the letter it was great to hear all your news and the wee card was great. Hope you are both still having a blast and i'm looking forward to hearing about your next adventures in NZ.
Much love to you both.xx
dontGoodbye Ozzy,HELLO New Zealand.What a BRILL time you have had.........................and..............now,it all starts again,by all accounts you re hitting another amazing country,no doubt you ll have the best time ever,so keep on dancing. All messages from this side,lucky people, wish we had the guts to do it!!!!!!!!!!!! Cant wait to hear the next episode, and cant wait to see the next CAMPER VAN, they are so COOL&AMAZING, JUST LIKE YOU TWOOOOOOOOOOOOO,HAPPY DAYS, LOVE&MISS U BOTH BIG TIMEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Ma & Pa Craig
Hi Guys, sorry couldn't speak for long today. Not too many tears as you say farewell to Aus. NZ look out here they come!!! Take care in the camper speak soon.
Luv uuuuuuuuuu
Jillian Downie
Well Jintys thats me home and dry. Oz DONE! Had such a great time. Managed to complete most of my Sydney itinery and get blind alot when i left you guys. Had such a good time while traveling up the east coast with you 2 and had so many laughs. Things that cracked me up most were: Splinter, nee haha, krunk krunk, The Cosbies, you've gots ta, smedium, popsicle, garbage resepticle, bed bugs, sitting in hostel wrapped in towels, Lady Muck, yellow cow pats, getting the giggles most nights, lanyards, yaey big, Vera, Dallas, The Joker by Kenny Rogers, Jinty getting a row for flicking the girly mags, no coffee served as machine off, Chuffers! Free piss, loser fish, Marc losing us in cinema, smert, total joke!, with a little bit of luck we can make it through the night, Marc applying sun cream directly into his eyes every day, Marc hating putting sun cream on his girlfriend but applying it to Ramon daily on the boat, DONE!!!! Take care. see you soo. lots of love Jintyxxxxxx
Hey buddies how's it going? Tried to call you but nae answer, can't believe we've not spoken since I got back. Since I couldn't talk to you had a good nosey at your blog and photos- a few brought a wee tear to my eye! ET's on the TV too so that doesn't help! ;) missing you heaps and heaps, wish was back in Aus..weather's pish here. Will get some of my photos on bebo for ya- just not had a chance since been back! Love you heaps and miss you the same. Will hopefully manage to talk next week. Take care. Sxxxxxxxxxxxx
Scott Mcmillan
Hey you guys good to here from you. Sorry not been in touch for ages, but have heard that you are having a ball. Jamie got the comment you left on my page but could not reply as your page is private.
We are all doing fine, Jazmin is getting so grown up now and she is only going to be 4 in August, you will not belive the difference in Kenzi he has matured a bit since you and Marc spnt the night here.
We are going to see Agnes tomorrow not seen her for ages.
So glad to see you are having brill time, miss you both, looking forward to seeing you when you get home.
Lots of Love Scott, Lisa, Jazmin & Kenzi
Whose the rock star in the hot tub? Any chance of bringing RORY back with you? New pics....SUPERB. That lake Birrabean, is SERIOUSLY amazing, and u-crowd seriously amazing toooooooooo. You all look brilliant, STRANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Considering the amount of V B"S your managing to slither down your little Scottish throats, yeah, I know, you dont want to be getting DE-HYDRATED!!!!!!!!!!!POOR Mhari, what a bummer. Can you believe we havent felt heat since you left, and, Aprils almost over, quite frankly, NO GOOD. Enjoy your time with Paul when he comes over, not long before you hit Newzeland, sounds so exciting, Keep on dancing, Miss and love u both loads. MUM xxxxx Xxxxxxx XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX
Hi Jamie & Marc
Just been reading your blog and photos - WOW WOW WOW - no wonder everyone's coming out to meet you guys, you look so happy and the people and places sound fantastic, makes me want to pack my rucksack and start travelling, maybe, one day.....
Can't wait for next instalment!
Take care
Leanne, Chris & Luke xxx
yo guys, just bn looking at all the pics from byron oh the great memories haha,hope uz r still having a ball up the coast wish i was having a vb with uz right now.take care and hav loads o fun xxx
Ant E & Tom
Hi u 2!
Finally sending a message! Hear u still enjoying Oz! There's certainly not a lot to miss here it's still baltic and we're nearly at the end of April!! Been havin a nose at the photos some brill ones u 2 look fantastic think that country suits u!! We're fine don't know if ma & pa told u but Tom's got my clio cos I bought a new car a Renault Twingo luv it an T is over the moon 2 have his own motor!! U 2 keep livin it up and take care!! Luv yaxxxxxxxxx
Who is a STAR then for remembering my birthday. Card was brilliant,and, a great SURPRISE to get the lovely photographs,CHEERS guys.I ve had a very nice birthday,family and friends spoiling me as usual, loved every single minute of it. Listen, it is honestly baltic here, like you would remember DECEMBER to be like,if its not lashing rain, or gale-force winds,its bloody SNOWING, NOW magical as I think snow is and love it,NOT IN APRIL..PLEASE. SO...................You just keep on loving that beautiful climate, because it wont be long before you re SHIVERING again.Brrrrrrrrr...KEEP ON DANCING, miss and love you loadsXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Hi Guys
Don't know if you received my reply e mail Jamie. I got your letter and thanks so much for taking the time to write. Back at work today (080408) and feeling much better. Not caught up with Shona yet, but will do shortly. So glad you decided to continue with your journey and not stay put in one place. George and kids are fine. Better go just now. Take care of one another. xx Maureen E