Just jumped on to have a read, lunch was not the same without you, miss you already, will try you later in the week.
Love Mel and everyone at The Sherlock
Kiss to Marc xx
Ellinor And Don
Hi Both, Don't know if our Email reached you, if not thanks for the postcard which was unexpected but most welcome. Take care, look after yourselves & one another.
Love Elinor, Luke, & Don.
hello my dears!! Looks like you are having so much fun you are forgettin to update your blog ha!
I love that photo of you both on Sydney Bridge, you look so happy, awe young love!!!
Look forward to seeing you soon, only 6 days to go whoopie xxx
hi marc and jamie hope the hol going well looks the buisness hope to hee from u soon
Ma & Pa Craig
Hi Guys, what's happening.....we haven't had an update on this blog for soooooo long. And more pictures please !!!!
Jamie watch out for those coackroaches!!!
Luv u Lots xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Helloo Jamie and Mark, I can now look at your photos without feeling so jealous and depressed, only 31 sleeps left to go!! Hopefully it'll pass by quickly. So what's going on with you guys? How much longer are you planning on staying in Melbourne? Can't remember if I asked you but WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE LITTLE DUCKS EH? It was a fab present and the've got pride of place in the bathroom, I've collected quite a waddling (that's the correct term for a group of ducks!).
I'm searching through some places to stay in Sydney just now and Manly looks good, what was the name of the big hostel you stayed at? Was it any good? Well I'll go for now. KC should be back in the next few days so we're all looking forward to catching up with her, Speak to you soon, Love Zoe xxx
Hey Jamie and Mark,
Your blog looks amazing and the pics are also great. Looks like you guys are having a whale of a time while i'm stuck here studying and working my ass off. Keep the updates coming. Think of you often Jamie but now i've seen for myself how much your loving it so keep safe and enjoy.
Take care
Liz xx
Kate And Gav
Gav & I were looking at heaps of your pics from Oz the other day, looks like your having loads of fun.... Enjoy our summer while we freeze in your winter! Actually its been pretty warm considering its a UK winter.... Have fun. Kate & Gav. xx"
So good to hear your Ozzy Slur MARC....maybe, just one or two,toooooo many Ozzy beeeeeeeers, Hic Hic!!!!...............and.........giggly, tipsy JAMIE tooooooooo,TEE HEE!!! Great you have stayed and worked in MELBOURNE and given yourselves the chance to really get to know the people and the city, it sounds brilliant, and so good that you have found some real great friends too. Planning your next leg of the tour sounds sooooooo exciting, hope the money is stretching for you,Eeeekkkk!!!!! Back to freeeeezzzzzing conditions here -4 today, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,shiver,shiver, love the winds though,really clears the cobwebs........Miss you loads..........Keep on dancing and lots of love, BIG HUGSXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
hey jamie and marc
been catching up with yer bog, looks like your having the most amazing time!! Cant believe its only been a few months since you've ben away. I spent new year in eatern europe - latvia. Had a good time it hit -15c near the end of our stay, was bloody freezing!! Had some mad snowball fights with the locals and drank absinthe?!! It was good fun but think were gonna stick with warmer climates next time. Anyhow miss you guys and loving the world disco!!!! xxxxx
Absolutely loved the pics of you two on the CLIMB at Sydney Harbour Bridge, bet you were KNACKERED. New Year Fireworks display was AMAZING, the pics of that and The Opera House Fab, Fab, Fab.................Jamie on the pay-roll,great stuff, get that cash rolling in for the next leg of your tour. Cant believe its 4mths guys,still missing u heaps.Brechin getting more booorrrriiinnnggg by the day,bet you didnt think that was possible!!!!!!!!!! KEEP ON DANCING,WOO HOO!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey folks. Hope your are both well. Great speakingto you saturday. Ended up being a bit of a late one, he he. Great fun thou. Sounds like you had a brilliant new year. Picture look amazing. Bet you cant wait to see Leanne and Barry. Alls well here. Take care, love ya both. Ails xxxxxx