Hi guys,
Behind again we know!!! Its not easy doing this blog business. So after saying our goodbyes to workie and Eddie it was back to work for a few days before the start of a new weekend. With Ed and Leanne gone we planned a quite weekend, K.C had the girls round for few drinks, while me and Neil had a T totall weekend and even played golf on the Sunday morning. Thought I may as well play at least 1 game at Royal Melbourne while working there. Me and the Stu pot headed out very early on Sunday Morning, the golf wasn't amazing but still good fun.
On the Monday 11th Feb we took Kirsteen and Neil to Jamie Olivers "FIFTEEN" restaurant for dinner to say thanks to them for all they had done for us. Thanks Very much.guys, you will never know how much we appreciated your hospitality and all the extras!!! xxxx. It was a really good night and the food was fab, Jamie Oliver failed to make an appearance which was a bit disappointing!
Tuesday we moved to Brighton for a bit to give Kirsteen and Neil a break before KC went back home to see her family. We all had a farewell dinner for KC at the "Sherlock Holmes" as it was parma and pint night... It was sad saying good- bye to Kirsteen on the Wednesday night as we are not sure when we will next see her. Hopefully very soon though! boo hoo....
On 14th of Feb for Valentines night Jamie took me out to the Belgian Beer garden for tea. It was amazing I has steak, Jamie had Mussels and we both had pudding...MMMmmm best of all, it was all for free. Well thanks to Jamie for her mussel eating win. (Your welcome Markie!!)
The plan for Friday was for me to attend my first Aussie rules footie match with the boys from work, which turned out a very messy night indeed, never saw any footie really, lost the boys from work and ended up in the bar most of the game, Then found them again in the last quarter. Jamie the Mo Trio and Claire went to see Jack Pinate in the Hi-Fi bar which was quality. It only holds 200 people and wasn't even full.
On Saturday morning we both woke up feeling a little worse for wear. We got showered changed then caught the train down to Frankston where Mel and Gary picked us up. Mel and Gary are the owners of the Sherlock Holmes pub where Jamie was working. We jumped in the car and made our way down the Mornington peninsular to McRae. The sun was shining so we had a few drinks and a barbie for lunch then Gary took us for a tour of the area, we went to Arthur's seat which has a magnificent view of the Port Philip bay and an amazing Hazzey view of the city. From there it was off to a nice hotel in Sorrento on the waterfront, beautiful views and a lovely day. Gary stopped off at there there local before heading back home where Gary made an amazing lamb roast for dinner, we sat and chatted for hours, over a glass of wine or two. It was a beautiful weekend and we had a great time thanks guys....
On Sunday before returning back to the city Gary and Mel took us out for lunch in Mornington. We sat and enjoyed the sunshine before heading back to the city. Jamie made a nice home cooked meal for Neil and I before we went to Borders to do a spot of reading over coffee!!
On the weekend of 22nd February We went down the Great Ocean Road with Gallus, Ben, Laura and Colin. We hit the road and made our way to Anglesea where we camped up for the first night. Ben and myself erected the tents then we hit the pub. On the Sat morning we went for Brekkie then hit the road again, we stopped off a few places on the way to the 12 apostles. As you can see from the photos the weather wasn't to good but it was still amazing to see, although the 12 apostles are now only 8 as the other 4 have eroded. We then drove back to Torquay where we were meant to be staying, but ended up meeting a few of Gallus's friends and went back to Andelsea with 5 slabs and 8 pizzas and crashed there. After a late drunken night and a quality new drinking game (G'day Bruce, say G'day to Bruce Bruce...) we headed back to Melbourne. On the way back we stopped at Bells beach which is where surfing was supposedly founded. When we got back to Melbourne we just chilled on the Sunday night and I had a R.D O (Rostered Day Off) on the Monday which was spent chilling.
On Monday night Jamie, Myself, the Mo Trio and Neil went to the night owl, a pub in the city which we just realised also had a Neighbours night on, it was free to get in and had very cheap drink. As you can see from the photos we met the main man Toadfish, Lyn Scully and Ringo. It was a much better night than the last one, more chilled out. The stars spoke to us for longer and there was hardly any people there. We also won the quiz but as Jamie and Neil already won prizes we reckon they fixed it so that we only came joint 2nd!!
It was a sad week, our last in Melbourne. We both finished work on Friday 29th of February. Marc's work bought a few slabs of beer and they said their good-byes on Friday afternoon...Am sure he will be back there some day!
On the Friday night we got the train down to Frankston where Drew and Murph picked us up. We went to see them as Murph and Teenie were over on holiday from Brechin. It was good to see them and have a few jars, just ashame we never knew Drew and Michelle stayed there or we would have visited them earlier. We stayed with them till late Saturday afternoon.then Drew dropped us off at "Maccers" (McDonald's) where we met Roshan and Steven who took us to Phillip Island to see the Penguins. You visit the site in the evening when the Penguins come back to shore after hunting, they return every night like clockwork and there is a viewing gallery. Lucky Roshan brought his blanket as it was freezing....Good thinking Roshan.
On Sunday we packed our bags in the morning then went to the Corner Hotel in Richmond to meet Mel, Gary, Chris, Roshan and Steven all from Jamie's work for a few drinks to say bye. The Mo Trio joined us later on. It was an emotinal evening and after a few tears were shed we said a fond fair-well to Melbourne.
We have had the most AMAZING 3 months and would like to say a big "THANKYOU" to everyone who has crossed our paths. We would not have had such an enjoyable, memorable experience if it wasn't for ALL of you. We have had many laughs and will share our stories for years to come.
Jamie and Marc xxxxxxx
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