Greetings friends and family of Marc and Jamie.
I, like you have been logging on frequently and enjoying Marc and Jamie's blog as they have travelled the world. However, I have become increasingly BORED of logging on to find out what things they have been up to and check out their photos because they are always sooooooooo far behind. Well, I pestered JMC and MG so much that they said "why don't you go and and fill it in!" so here I am. The first special guest blog writer.....
Although the guys' blog has been saying for the last wee while that they have been in Margeret River and Adelaide, it's my pleasure to tell you all that they have arrived in Melbourne, Victoria. I know this as they have been camped out in my living room for the last month. (getting the tent pegs out of the floor is going to be a nightmare!!)
Wednesday 28th November (yes, it really was that long ago)
Jamie and Big Toe Gents touched down in Melbourne at Midday and boarded the Sky Bus into the city. Kirsteen met them and they got a tram to Carlton where we live. We have recently moved into a new apartment so Jamie and Marc pottered around with Kirsteen sorting out stuff for our new pad.
At 6pm I met up with them in a bar called Transport at Federation Square (The meeting point in Melbourne -think The Cross) and we had a few beers, then we headed to a bar called Riverland, a bar that looks out over the Yarra River where Kirsteen joined us. After a few there JMC started to talk rubbish and Marc was telling me about DANNY A-R-C-H-E-R and how he met Jet for the 23rd time since they arrived 6 hours earlier so we thought we'd better get some food in. We jumped in a cab and headed to the Queen Vic Night Market which is a food and tat market in the mornings, but a food, wine and arts market on a Wednesday night. Jamie and Marc shared a burritto, dutch panckaes and a bottle of wine. Marc then wandered around all the stalls trying to blag free wine samples and telling everyone who would listen about his experiences tasting wine in the Margaret River Region.
After the night Market we headed back to our apartment for more drinks and stories (and JMC's dancing.) The next thing I knew I woke up in bed with Marc spooning me (only joking!) I woke up at 3.30am and staggered to use the loo. Marc was starfished on the floor and Jamie was crashed on the sofa and the Fratelli's were still blaring out the stereo. We all felt rubbish the next day, including our new neighbour who felt obliged to leave a note in our letterbox complaining about the noise!! Welcome to Jamie and Marc, people of Melbourne.
Marc and Jamie will hopefully fill you in shortly about the rest of their time in Melbourne so far .....Meantime check our some of their Melbourne Pics!
Guest Blog Writer
p.s. Jimmy (Jamie's dad) you owe me some money following our telephone bet on Christmas Day. I may have been V. drunk but I remember .. What was the score - Dundee United 0 - Celtic 2.
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