I cant believe you met my musical hero and that you were to talking to him about little old me.I am absolutely delighted for you and ME !This meeting HAS to be better than Keifer and Tom ! cant wait for the photos. I have cleared a large space on the wall of the U2 Loo.......just make sure you dont lose that camera.
It was great hearing all about it last night,I am sure he was glad to talk to you and James and get away for a minute from all the plastic reporters.What a story ...... the day I met Bono in New York.
For all non believers U2 ARE the best band in the world and the new album is fantastic.
I have no doubt that after your previous celebrity meetings Barack and Gordon will meet you at the coach station in DC and invite to the White House for drinks,who knows Bono will probably be there too.
8 days and counting
Much love to you both
I am still in shock. I mean, Bono! Bono! Dad, you're going to have to clear a space for THE photo! Did he have the glasses on or off? He's been sporting a non-glasses look recently. I really cannot believe it. Just ten days until I can touch the hand that shook Bono's hand!!!
Happy birthday eve blister! Hope the snow lets you make your way to Washington. Safe journey.
Can't wait to have you home. Enjoy DC. Lots of love xxxxx
Hello everyone! We will do a blog this week to let you all know about Boston, New York and Washington (especially you Nikita). We had planned to be in Washington today, however couldn't make it due to the snow storms. Hopefully we'll make it down tomorrow. Still not all bad news ... we just met BONO!! Hard to believe I know, and fairly ridiculous. But it's actually true. Will tell all in a Blog, promise. Obviously I've already called Dad to tell him all about it! As I say, we'll try to get updating when we get to Washington. Lots of love to you all, great to hear from you xxxxxx
hello Roisin and James
hope you are enjoying your time in America, it must have been great having Niamh over, you havnt got long left now so enjoy it. your parents will be delighted to see yous back again. i pray for yous every night that you will be safe
god bless you both. . . .Pauline xxx
just checking your site aww yous are so lucky to be going to washington, i do politics in school so i will be lucking forward 2 reading your blog on about how u got on there. sounds like yous had a great time in NY i want to go there too and in Boston, another place i want to go because its in massachusetts and thats where the kennedys are from
well enjoy the rest of your trip and safe journey xxxx
Rois And James
hi all! Got to be quick as internet is expensive here. Back in NY before a few days in Washington - will be intouch properly from there. Love xxxxx
Hi Rois & James,
How are things statseside?Loving the stories of New York & waiting patiently for photos.Can't believe you are nearing the end of your adventures-not sure what I'm going to do at work without a message board to check-might have to do a bit of work.
How did Boston go-I hear you had to slum it for a few days!!We're off to Dublin for the weekend to meet the old enemy (sorry uk readers!) in Croke Park so you'll have a rugby update aswell as a football update next week.And just to make a weekend of it we're going to the point/o2 arena for snow patrol on Sunday night-so will tell all next week.
Enjoy D.C. & the rest of your adventure.
Pa Mole
Late entry tonight as I've been going through the photos - lots of them!! Very good Niamh.......ahh the 'treating someone choking' signs........the views from the top of the Rock! Excellent.
Me again!
Just uploading my NYC photos to truprint - all 313 of them!! Mind you, 300 of them are of St Malachy's Place!! Will send you a link
Miss you x
Hello travellers, (it's so sad that I can't look at that word without thinking the infinitive has one l and the derivatives have 2 as I seem to be constantly telling my students...oh god...i'm a teacher...)
ANYWAY. Sounds like you had a fab time in NY - hope you're getting through the post family low together - I'm experiencing said low at the moment as my parents were here at the weekend. We had such a lovely time - AND I drove a Spanish car allll the way to Alicante and back (about 450km) - only managed to drive on the wrong side of the road once altho ended up with a bruised hand after repeatedly trying to reach left to change gears!
Luckily, my low will soon be replaced with a high - as I will be seeing the delightful Bradley Forder in a matter of days; I'm going to Barcelona for the weekend.
Can't believe your time is almost up. I'm home for a week at Easter - considering the comparatively short distance that will seperate us then there must be a way we can meet?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I know for a fact Amy Key will be on it - i think last time i spoke to her she wrote down the dates I'm home lol. But of course hopefully they'll be group trips to Espana in the near future. I had a quick look at East Midlands - Valencia for my parents to come visit in June as that's the nearest airport in the UK to us that flies to Valencia and you can get returns for like £25!!!!!!!! Erm, hello?!?!?
Love you both and can't wait to see you again...sooner rather than later would be wonderful. Have a safe last few weeks xxxx
Rois, I saw a picture of Jessica Beil at the Oscars, and I thought of Jessica Seal (with a C!!) Just seen that the current temp in Boston is -4 degrees - wish I'd left you with more warm clothes now!
Hope you are enjoying Boston, life not very exciting here - quiet weekend and missing you. I went to see Taming of The Shrew with the girls last night - strange play!! Turns out the 10 things I hate about you is a very loose interpretation!! 16 days till March 12th - horray!
ps. Pressure on me and Ed for the blog now - Ed thinks ryhming couplets might be the only way - good job Gavin rhymes with something!!!! x
Mum Mcg
Fantastic and very prompt blog -well done Brian! Great chat with Roisin in luxury in Boston yesterday and planning to phone again later. Gaye has been to Boston several times and has given me some "must do" suggestions to pass on.