Well the thing is....................what happened was..................when the first half ..............but.....................we actually played ok until................barmby....................seriously..............loosing.............felt deflated..............half time cocktails.................joined the pitch invasion to get away from the angry hoards..................drive home.............football........feeling sleepy....sleep...foot....ball...ball...sleep, ball, foot......zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Pa Mole
Hornets stuffed by the Tigers.........!!
Just back from The Duncombe (only pub in Hertford I could find showing the game), we were well beaten 4-1. Things started off well with Doris scoring after a nice one-two, only 12 mins gone. However, just befoe half time, another defensive error - Demerit headed it straight into the air in the box, Lee came for it then stopped, so stuck in no-mans-land and ball was headed over him to be forced over the line - meant 1-1 at half time. Second half we had to push up & we were caught on the break, although their fourth was a comedy of errors by the defence again. We played okay, but as usual, could not see where a goal was to come from - Doris had a good header cleared off the line, but that was it really. 'Fraid to say, Hull deserved the win. Ref blew early to finish the game as there'd been two pitch invasions. My condolences are with the fans just setting off on the drive to Herts from Hull!
Someone in the pub said the Man U game is an 11pm UK time kick off!
Hope all is well, take care of yourselves, looking forward to the next blog when the technical probelms can be overcome. Love from all...
Kes And Gem
Hi James and Rois,
Thank you for the postcard. It was great to hear from you both and to know that you are having a great time. I have just come down from the elation that was Pompy on Saturday. It was stressful, heart breaking at points and then just sheer relief that we stayed up! (Gem looks a me rather strangly as i write this..... but she doesn't understand!)
I understand that you text Andy..... he was well pleased that you text him back and everyone says hi from the Hertford family.
Hope you are both well. Keep enjoying! Stay in touch!
Kes and Gem
Hey, check it out, it's a self censoring website, lol, love it. xx
It's back! Wooooo, the revision break is no longer in vain! This message comes from a break from the Italian language this time - altho no immersion for now, that can wait till exam day on Friday. Came home last night and had my interview for summer job in an amazing school near me today - honestly, I knew private schools were always gonna be better than free ones but this was just ridiculous! It was like Harry Potter!! So hope I get the job then I can live among the elite for the summer...the guy was saying that since I live so near to the school and have a car if I get the job he'll probs give me a room in the school and find people who aren't so near home a bedsit or something each, and said this as if I was losing out - as if I would want to live in a bedsit when I get to live in an old red brick building with beautiful surroundings?!?! Then had a not so fun trip to the dentist where I got told off (again) for not flossing (such a boring and painful process) but turns out my refusal to carry out said process has resulted in a gum infection. b*****. so turns out i am going to have to become a flosser and it's going to be even more painful than before cos of the infection, bloody irony kicking me in the bum there.
Weather is still lovely here (well it is on the west side of the country - aparently the east isn't fairing so well), and am loving being at home again.
Hope you're all well and hello Claire, glad you got there safe and sound, look forward to more long blogging - it's a good break from revision!
Buono, tempo per continuare con l'italiano ora....ciao xxxxxxxx
The messages are back! Weird! Loved the blog - esp C-Moss!! AND I think James Mole's was longer than Claire's!! I'm really surprised that things are more luxury based with Claire there - she normally loves roughing it so much!!
Good Luck Watford tonight - will cross my toes!
Lots of love N x
Am email has been sent to our admin enquiring as to where our sacred emails have got to ... we'll get back to you on that one.
We tried to upload the blog yesterday and it wouldn't work, so maybe there were website issues.
Clairemoss has been a great addition to our group (were we even a group before?!) everything has gone swimmingly since she arrived, and we seem to be able to achieve new highs of luxury with her here .. we want to keep her!
Moving on again tomorrow, exciting stuff! Lots of love to you all xxxx
ps. maddy, I'm just about to read your email now xx
And my message has gone too!
No matter you have an email. Do you still use Rois43?
i'm with you Katie, i noticed it had gone perhaps it was all that spanish it may have thought it was on the wrong page, hope your having a good time Claire, and Rois and James are looking after you, can't wait to hear your stories when you get back, take care all of you stay safe love the Avery's. x
Where's my message gone?!? It was long and everything :( xx
Thanks for the postcards....glad to see you are enjoying yourselves.
Just played your dad/Brian at golf and sneaked home on the back 9. Very enjoyable and much better than working!!!!
Was looking forward to seeing Leeds play Watford in the Championship but after last nights result I doubt whether we will make it.
All the best to you both.
Richard X
Here I am on the internet avoiding me Dad and me brother's "Maths-Talk" while they're watching Countdown and I *still* get sums thrown in my face just to talk to some far flung friends. What's that all about eh?
Do you still use your Rois43 mail address ? If not which do you use? I have a long message awaiting. Long overdue I know. A quick scroll down your msg board tells me that your sister's now in town too. I hope you have so much fun together!! Stay safe. Keep to shadows. It's that time of year. xxxx