Hey travellers, a language fact that I've just come across whilst reading about French subject pronouns for you that I think is interesting (and since this isn't a conversation you can't stop me whether you think it's interesting or not so read on...!)....Protestants have used the familiar tu to refer to God since forever, whereas Catholics used the formal vous to refer to him until 1967, when they started using tu. tada! (that really wasn't interesting was it? I'm such a geek.)
Bengeo Moles
Hi Rois & James, great mail from you both today about Jordan S. (I'm sure I recognised your hand in it Rois!!) - mind you, it's a bit sad to be so preoccupied about one of the Hornets whilst in the middle of Cambodia!! I was going to tear him off the calendar, but it might be worth a fortune when he's playing regularly for England.........
Mum's stopped being Granny for a while..........nobody's died since you last spoke! She's playing in a staff v student netball match this Monday; Ill let you know if there are any photos.
Take care of yourselves, safe journey to Thailand.
Bengeo Moles
Hi Both,
Glad to read things are back on track. Only news from here this evening is the depressing session I had at the golf range..........I was rubbish!!
Take care of yourselves & keep safe.
Glad you're in Cambodia safe and sound, and bet you're well looking forward to seeing Claire on Saturday!
Went to asda today (see how much more exciting my life is than yours atm?!) and it was BRILLIANT! I love asda, so gonna miss it if I do spend the next few years out of the country as planned. Then I made a butternut squash risotto for lunch which was lovely and have just watched a french news program on the net - technically revision therefore I have achieved something today other than shopping and cooking! Going to Cubanas tonight for tapas with sutco crew, yay, can't wait!
Oh, and went to WW last night and lost another 3.5 lbs - that's makes it 2 stone now! 2 stone!!!! That's like 4 babies! lol.
LOVE! xxxx
Hello Peeps!
So pleased that you are still having such a great time. Claire is so excited about coming out to see you! Have been trying to help with the clothing issues, what to take what not to take....i'm afraid i'm not so helpful as a weekend in weton-super-mare usually means i end up taking my whole wardrobe just in case!!!
Have a fab time in Bangkok, keep claire safe and make sure she comes back its bad enough only having one of the McGrory clan here, couldn't stand it if there was none!!
Miss you loads Rois, take care of you & James!
Luv Nat xxxx
Rois And James
Hello again!
Just to let you all know that having travelled in a bus for 7 hours we are both well and happy in Pnomh Penh, Cambodia. Before said journey, we thought we'd try to travel up to Angkor Wat for a day as it's a real must-see but I think we're just going to be too exhausted as it would take about 6 hours there and back. We'll just have to add it to our long "Next time we're here" list!
Flying into Bangkok Sat morning to meet up with the Claire-moss!
Lots of Cambodian love xxx
Hey guys! Sounds like you are having a fantastic time, glad you are feeling a bit better now James Mole. Not liking the info I read about £1100 flights from Mrs Mole - not cool! Will be researching that me thinks. Things are all cool here - not much bank holiday action but nice to have three days off in a row! Take care of yourselves, love you loads x x x x
Mum Mole
Hi Both
As I await the arrival of a year 11 revision class during lunch (and you think I don't work!), thought I'd catch up with you and tell you how much you are loved and missed. I'm hoping that, as we missed the day yesterday that they'll think it's Monday today and forget to turn up! Real dedication that is! Grace is bubbling with news of a personal nature -I'll say no more but some sibling advice could be useful. Hope your fluey thing has passed, James and you are ready for Cambodia. Don't expect to see Grace in Melbourne - cheapest ticket £1100+!! Let's aim for the US next Feb time? Your pics are wonderfully evocative and jealousy- inducing, so keep them coming.
Much love Bernie/Mumxxxx
Mum And Dad In Lisbon
Hi Rois & James
Greetings from a very damp Lisbon. Arrived safe and on time last night (unlike poor CG & Jim who faced a 4 hour delay on their flight back to Knock!) Managed to get the airport bus into city and find our hotel no problem. Hotel is lovely albeit a bit off the beaten track. We both thought of you this morning Rois when we were faced with fantastic breakfast buffet - you would just love it!
Really glad to hear James is feeling better. Will you still be travelling to Cambodia or will you now go direct to Thailand? We said our goodbyes to Claire on Sunday, it will be strange for us not having her popping in every now and then. Poor Niamh will be only one in UK for a full hour on Friday night!!
Will be in touch again after we have been out and about and seen some of the sights of Lisbon. Our porter yesterday warned us that springtime in Lisbon is beatiful but beware of the sneezes (hayfeever!!) Between that and just getting Chelsea score, Dad was very happy!!!
More soon. Take care.
Love from Mum and Dad XXX
Breaking Hornet News....................Our season continues after the draw at wet and overcast Blackpool. Talk about stumbling into the play-offs, we finished sixth ahead of Wolves because we had scored one more goal than them...crazy league. So Blackpool kiss me quick squeeze me slow hats, inflatable everything bananas and rubber rings, candy floss, donuts, one elderly lady playing solo bingo at 10:30am picture postcards and Henderson Red cards. Hendo was sent-off on the hour mark two yellows make a red at the Seaside. As so often happens 10 men outplay the 11 and on 62 minutes Tommy Smith solo run and neat finish makes it one all...oh forgot to mention not the best start we fell behind after 60 seconds. Draw was a fair relection on a crazy last day the point kept Blackpool up. So its Hull City at home on Sunday lunchtime and the away Semi-Final on Wednesday 14th May, I will keep you informed.
Mind How You Both Go.....Have Fun......Lee
Hi all!
Just a quick update to say ... we're still in Saigon ... "The heat is on on Saigon" - Katy that's your fault (by the way, I have the soundtrack on my Ipod, oh yes, Movie in my Mind etc etc!)...
we didn't depart yesterday as planned as James wasn't on top form and we didn't want to risk him being unwell on coach / boats etc. He's fine and dandy now. Still resting as much as possible, so we won't be departing tomorrow either. Please don't feel sorry for us though, as there is still so much to do here. We went to a v.posh hotel today to watch the sunset from their rooftop bar - v.nice. Only had a drink though before departing to a cheapy for dinner!
Anyway, just thought I'd update. Hope everyone's had a great bank holiday weekend. All our love xxxx
ps. have a great holiday ma and pa xxxx
just sent you an email mole with the pictures. hope you like them and gives you a little sense of home again. i dont think me coming to austrailia is gunna happen...parents being really selfish and not paying for me to go over! can you believe it?! got a story to tell you when we next speak. until then over and out. x