Hope you are all safe in Bangkok after your long journey from Thailand.
What a thrill to speak to you all on Sunday ..... made my day,sorry about the Saturday attempt.
Looking forward to a day of stress tomorrow ............ Financial reporting all day and Man Utd at night , lets hope we do it. Football season will soon be over ,we can then start boring each other with cricket stories,if anyone understands that game I think we should stick to hurling much easier to understand and they dont take tea breaks !
love to you all
Sarah Wilko
Hi Guys! Hope you are still having an amazing time!
just thought i'd let you know that Dan's operation went well and he is ok now. Was a really stressful day at hospital last Wednesday and nervous waiting, but he's fine! In fact its a long story but they couldn't actually get rid of the extra pathway thing he has in his heart, because when his heart is sped up its not actually dangerous. So he will always have it, but its not dangerous at all!
Apart from that, we're off to Egypt in a few weeks and i'm going to germany for a business weekend! So doing a bit of kind of travelling of my own!
Hope you are all ok,
Looking forward to more pics
Ma Mole
Hi all thought I'd complete the set of messages from the Moles in a row. Quiet moment at work - yes, one of many you think! Looking forward to half-term next week and doing our own wild journey - to France for the day on the Wednesday! Exciting stuff! We've booked you a room for Grace's b'day in Spain so look forward to seeing J and R there then, and C if she doesn't get a better offer!! It's important for parents to bolster their offsprings' dreams! Grace and I went for some retail r&r in Stalbans yesterday so Dad's in a deep depression today! weather great again -cold but sunny. Can't have everything! Keep well and in touch. Love Bernie/Mum xxxxx
Dad was lying, dont listen to him, hes getting old, we really do expect you to be in spain on the 17th.
The Moles
Morning to you all from a much brighter Hertford today - steady rain most of yesterday afternoon.
Just say great for us all to speak to you James, thanks for calling (we really don't expect you to be in Spain on 17th July!!) I forgot to quote from The Observer 'Tales From The Tabs' - 'Watford have denied they're ready to sack Aidy Boothroyd'. Kiss of death?!
Take care as always, enjoy the looooooong bus/coach ride!
Hi y'all!
Can't tell you how exciting it was to come on here and see so many messages - thank you! And a very warm welcome to you Chia, you're in good company!
Well we are in Ko Pan Ngan now and we really love it. We are touring all day tomorrow - elephants, waterfalls, snorkelling ... you know typical day to day stuff! Claire is still bringing a whole new level of class to our travelling - hot showers and everything! Hope to start getting photos on here tomorrow evening as we're falling behind again.
ALL our love to ALL of you xxxxxxx
Hello Thailand,
Virgin blogger here!!Sorry for not sending message sooner-I've been too busy being nosey & reading everyone else's messages.I feel as if I know the Moles already & am hearing things from my own family that I probably never would have-so thank you for setting up this communication link.Its been great reading about your adventures-although Tony wasn't too impressed with your sailing(??)attempts earlier in your trip!He's on patrol in Donegal at the moment & I'm heading up there tomorrow for a catch up with everyone.Graet to hear from Claire too-hope you enjoy your beach bungalow-isn't life tough??!!Keep the photos & stories coming & safe travelling.Lot of love,Chi & Tony.xxx
Ma Mole
Hi Thai Trio, loving your latest blog and looking forward to next batch of photos. I'm a woman on pins here waiting for the arrival of Pa Mole's sexy silk kimono! Grace will be sick at the thought! We're off to the Bourgeoisie's (sic) on Sat-looking forward as we've not seen them for a while. Grace B and Grace M are planning their attack on Southern Spain and the male population therein. Your father's going to need an anaesthetic that lasts the fortnight if his heart's going to survive! I'm assuming that you have planned a busy fortnight in Thailand visiting libraries, art galleries and other improving sites when you've got the boring beach stuff out of the way - poor you! Have a sunbathe and a sundowner for us while we drift into Autumn now. Summer has finished now, snow next week. Keep having fun and good times and keep in touch. Love Mum/Bernie xxxxx
Pa Mole
Hi to the three of you, taking five mins out of work to check how you're doing. Great update to the blog thanks,everything sounds great, so take care & enjoy it all!!
alright guys!!
so you're in the land of thai, woohoo, very jealous. sorry my previous email was quite unhelpful i was writing a speedy one at work (which i'm also doing now but hey)
the only reason i said avoid ko samui was because i proboably don't have the best memories here, that is where the problems started, you know what i mean! ha.
have you had the sqaure pancakes with teh chocolate and condensed milk yet that they sell everywhere on street vendor stalls and roll then out of a little ball?? wow, they were amazing!!
and the sangsom buckets?? so much fun to be had, jsut sit on the beach and sip away at your little sand-castle bucket full of fun :) ah gd times :)
all is well here, went to manchester at weekend to visit laurie with the psych girls, had an ace night out.
lots of barbeques being had in the lovely shef. tickets gone up again for carnival, but we do have the charmer that is pat sharp with fun house, can't wait!!
bagsy getting on teh racing toilets this year!
hope you're having an amazing time still, love to you all.
crackers :)
Siobhan And Andrew
Hi T T T
You sound like you are having a great time. I am so glad Claire has joined you for what sounds like an ideal leg of your journey.
I had a swim in the Swilly yesterday and it was rather pleasant and easy to spell!
Andrew had his first football injury on Tuesday. Major collision in the penalty area and he hurt his arm badly. When I landed to collect him he was lying on the ground screaming but he was quick to point out that he had already scored a hat trick. In the end there was no damage done except to my nerves and emotions! He got punished at school for talking. This was his first time getting on the wrong side of the teacher and he took it really badly. BUt yesterday he was back to getting stars so all is well with his world!
I am busy at work. In fact i am sitting in the sun in my new office in the garden typing this. I could rename my garden something exotic if it suits this site better! Anyway now I am late for a meeting and need to get out of the shorts!
Enjoy yourselves
Love Bon
It was Hell on a Wednesday night.......The Tigers deserved it....they were better than us over the two games. Scoreline paints a picture of a right mauling but it wasn't at all..we went 1-0 up and then Hull (players and supporters) looked very nervy...we couldn't get the second goal and then Richard Lee's mistake knocked the sting out of the Mighty Hornets.
....."Carlisle on a Tuesday night...Carlisle on a Tuesday night."
As Aidy says "We'll be back."
Lee replies "I reckon first or second Saturday in August Aidy".
I will update you now and then throughout the Summer when there is breaking Hornet news for example Jordan Stewart comes back as player-manager!!!!!!!
To clarify the Champions League Final on Wednesday is 11pm ko Moscow time... 8pm BST so will be about 2am your time as a guess?