Just wanted to let you know that i spoke to Claire this morning, she had been on a couple of tours of sydney and was back at her hotel getting ready to catch up on some sleep. So all's well with her apart from being absolutely shattered (she even fell asleep on the sydney bus tour) hope all is well with you two.
Love K
Hellooooo! How are you two? (I think you're a 2 now?! I get very confused as to where you are and who you're with).
4 exams done and dusted, 2 more tomorrow, then only 4 left and 2 essay to write, woooooo! Had to go to hospital this morning cos I woke up and my eye was all sore and swollen and majorly sensitive to light and it turns out I've got an ulser on my eye!?! Scary stuff. Even more scarily, no contact lenses for at least a month, so I'm off to get some new glasses on Saturday cos if I'm gonna have to be wearing glasses for all the post exam fun I wanna make sure I look damn good in them! here's hoping they don't cost too much tho, got a sneaky feeling i have to pay for lenses now i'm not 18 any more?! Oooh got a 67 on my spanish oral that I did last week too, yay. No other news really...oh we went to see simon amstell last saturday and he was funny...but i'm not sure if I've been on here since then?! Life is just turning into one revision blur! Oh and we're going for a meal for Aga's birthday tomorrow too, should be fun, haven't seen Aga and Lee for aaages. (unless if you count reading lee's football reports on here?!?)
Anyway,must get back to writing some subtitles..have to put eye drops in your eye every hour makes it really hit home how quickly an hour goes and how little gets achieved in one!
Hope you're well, wherever you are xxxx
hello!!!! ive just been looking through the latest pictures
amazing. roisin your looking very good arnt you?but i dont understand the sadness next to the rice krispies????i thoguht you wud be so happy?is it because they cost an absolute bomb so you cudnt afford them? im still tracking you guys and your every move obviously. keep having a the best time
love love kiss kiss
Mum Mcg
Hi there
Great to see the newest photos put on today - still none of the visiting Claire, so hope there are more on the way. Hope you got my email earlier. Great to get text late last night from Claire, now safely arrived in Sydney. You will have to get her to do another "Guest Blog" from Melbourne prior to her return to UK - she has got off too easy! I had call from Anne Avery to clarify if you two are really planning to visit Spain for Grace's birthday - the messages from the Moles are confusing her! Did anyone tell you that poor Dustin did not make it through the Eurovision semi-finals? We were sad enough to watch it on BBC 3 on Tuesday - oh dear! Lots of debating and postmortems on RTE radio, but the turkey has gone home!
Wet and windy bank holiday weekend forecast here - hope Singapore is better. Safe journey, take care of yourselves.
Love Mum XXX
Did you manage to see any of the game? What a match - I still feel abit sick thinking about it!! Nervous doesn't even begin to describe it...penalties are evil! So so happy we won!! Lots of love x
ps. Brian, I think TTT stands for The Thailand Three?!! x
D Mcg
Yes yes yes
We did it ,we won old "Big Ears"
As usual utd could not do it the easy way and had me stressed to the high Heavens prancing up and down,especially for those penalties. Memories of a great night in Barcelona many years ago with a dramatic finish.Hope you stayed up to watch James
Glad you are both safe in Bangkok,Claire textd from Aussieland last night,I was keeping her up to date with the football.
Enjoy Singapore and have a safe journey to Australia
All my Love
Ma Mole
Hi All - for all your readers I thought I should just point out that Milly (see two entries ago from Pa Mole) is the house rabbit. We do not have a mentally challeged person here who chews cardboard! Love Bernie/Mum xxx
mate, i just did the best prank on mum.
I went out to put the guinea pigs away and then i ran back inshouting"next doors dog has eaten one of the guinea pigs, next doors dog has eaten one of the guinea pigs!"
Mum then jumped out of her seat going "what?! what?!"
then i fell on the floor laughing saying "hahaaa not really"
it was soo much fun.
Pa Mole
I'm more dense Niamh, I'm still waiting for the lightbulb moment.....!
Hope you're all well, good to read that you reached Bangkok safely; not sure about the shopping though. Perhaps I'm still in shock after the Mothership & herself returned from St Albans - quote, 'We wont need anything now for the rest of the summer'. Mmmmmmmm....Anyway, must have been great having Claire with you, is it back to lower standards now!!
Grace will tell you how she watched Pearl Harbour all the way through, brilliant film she says - in fact she's watching it again; not sure that you'd agree James.
Mothership still at work watching a school production, Milly chewing on cardboard, Eastenders nearly finished, so all's well with the world.
Can't remember if I mentioned it James, but your postcards (2) are on the wall near Mandy at work; someone asks me most days where you are & if you're okay.
Take care of yourselves & safe journey to all as you go your separate ways. Football & a few beers tomorrow night, looking forward to it, definitely dont (showing off now!) want a Chelsea win.
I am so dense - I have only just got TTT!! All the companies I am auditing at the mo have acroymns so I'm bamboozled by them...BBA, BBAE, JMLSG (too long), FSSC (too hard to say)...it goes on!! Sorry that was really boring!!
Shopping sounds fun, as does the prospect of seeing your piccies!! C-moss, have lots of fun in Syndey, hopefully by the time you land we'll be 3 nil up and dad might actually enjoy a Man U game?!!!! Rois and James, enjoy Bangkok and Singapore - email Dan if you need hints for Singapore - he lived there for four months!
Miss you all, N x
Claire Rois And James
Gudday (nearly!)
well firstly, Rigler, I honestly wondered about your health so you're in deep doo-doo next time I see yo, and that's a fact. Otherwise, like a worried parent, we're just glad you're okay!!
After over night bus we are back in Bangkok today and had a joyous day shopping. Off for the last supper tonight before 3 becomes 2 once more :-(
We promise to update photos as soon as we can - our camera is literally full!
Sarah, glad Dan's okay - really does sound stressful. On the subject of stress, Dad, hope work went well - nearly bank holiday time again. And Moles ... looking forward to seeing you in Spain ! (by the way, Brian, check out your use of bold text - impressive stuff!)
Love from TTT xxx
Lucy 'the Worst Friend In The World' Rigler
I'm sorryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! I'm awful, I know! I hadn't been on facebook for like a month and found mean messages from Rois threatening to cut my fingers off [something along those lines anyway] for not getting back to you!! Fortunately I've just discovered that I can write on your blog from work computer (unlike the big fb) so have decided to stop the very important government spy mission work that I do to say hi!!!!!!
In terms of my address - slight problems in passing that on in that we're being chucked out of our house [it's being sold].. Oh yay. Fortunately, we've found a lovely new flat, 2 lovely new housemates, and a really irritating house agent, and from 1 June my address will be 149 Cedars Road, Clapham, London, SW4 0PS. Yay!
Your adventures still sound wonderful - excitingly it seems that Lynette is in Thailand at the moment as well - keep an eye out, yeah?! Keep up the wonderful blogging - try for a little less humour yeah? I keep laughing at my desk and I suspect that people know I'm not doing work...