sorry it's taken us so long to say hello,it's been a busy few months. firstly our son was born on 21st june at 00:37 weighing 6 pounds 13 oz.we have called him Dominic Jullien House. he is amazing.he's a beautiful little man. he's not keeping us up at night,he sleeps and feeds through the day and the same at night now.we are both very well,really loving being partents.hope your having a wonderful time(it looks like you are) and seeing beautiful places.we will post you a few pictures when we can figure out how too.hope your both keeping well and can't wait to see you and introducing you to our beautiful wishes and all our love jon,krystle and dominic xxx
Lynne Chambers
Hi both
Claire has kept me up to speed on Australia... it sounds wonderful and if I had time I would like to come out there (and maybe not return lol). Well Harrison is now 3.5 months and is a very handsome little fellow... he smiles for the world... he really liked Claire when he came on his visit to CVSC. Kelly popped him onto his tummy on Friday evening and he rolled over onto his back... this is extremley advanced as they don't normally do this until they are 4/4.5 months. I think that we have another Ryan on our hands as he is extremley bright too. Well thats enough from the Chambers little ones.. lovely to hear that you and James have found a lovely place to live... and that James has found work... you will find something suitable too soon Roisin with your talents its inevitable. Maybe when you return there will be something appropriate at CVSC for you to work on... it would be great to have you back here as I miss you Roisin... anyway I best get on with some work now lol... take care and keep in touch love to you both Lynne xxx
hi both, you sound like you've both settled into life in Australia, never mind about the job Rois although i bet your fed up with everybody saying it, had a great time at the wedding and Claire looked great as did the bride, very happy and content, you might have guessed had a little too much to drink on the day out of it by 7pm then did a noreen and went onto water till midnight when Niel decided i was being far too sensible, and put me back on wine. Matt coming home to live,and commuting to London two days a week for his teaching job, both boys in for dinner tonight both with a friend !! well you know Ruth is one of them not saying anymore, will write again soon got to go and put meat in take care both and keep safe xx
Babs Stuart
Hi both sorry i haven't written in a while - had a rather special event - WEDDING! It was a lovely lovely day and Claire looked beautiful - only outdone by the bride of course! Photos are lovely and whole day was so special and shared with much loved family and friends. Sorry to read about the job you didn't get Rois - wasn't meant to be as my Mum would have said - something better to come. PG as my Mum would have said! will write soon love to you both from Bedworth ! x
SOrry for being quiet the last few days - ben off work so no internet! Went to Ladies Day at Ascot on Thursday - it was amazing! Sun shone, lots of amazing outfits and won a bit of money too! There's some pics on facebook - i wore the dress you and Claire bought me.
HOpe all is well. Gotta run, have friends of Ed's coming for dinner and flat is a massive mess!
Love you x
Ma Mole
Hi Both Some people just don't know a good thing when they see it, do they Rois. Next time. For all our readers, the Milly referred to in the last message is not a mad maiden aunt, but the house rabbit! Dad hired a real live fox to come into the garden the other day to try to give the remaining guinea pig a heart attack! The plan failed! I'm typing this as Dad watches a football match between CRO AND TUR. The blue lot (CRO?) have some nice looking young men in the team, but that's not what it's about is it? I'm looking forward to tomorrow and a lie in before I'm off to Thorpe Park with 46 13 year olds on Sunday! Can't wait!!! Now I've made you dead jealous I'll be off. Love to you both. Mum/Bernie
Pa Mole
Hi Both, hope you're well. Sorry to read about not getting the job Rois....good luck with the next one.
Just watched a re run of Ab Fab and now an episode of the Royle Family to follow - good way to unwind.
Back yesterday from the golf trip in Norfolk, very enjoyable, played 4 rounds in two days, but had the use of a buggy so all quite manageable. The buggies are fun to drive too! The bonus was full English each morning!! Being back to work this morning was a bit of a shock - penance for haveing three days off is a load of e-mails. One of the e-mails was from Rob asking who would be interested in a Christmas do!!
All well here, Mum doing school reports as I type, Grace out socialising and Milly shut in the kitchen.
Take care, speak to you soon.
I didn't get that job unfortunately. Gutted about that. They went with someone with more experience so that's that really. I've got a job here at KNP for another week, so we shall see what pops up after that.
Nearly the weekend here - got half day tomorrow - maybe I'll end up at Victoria Markets again!! lots of love everyone xxxx
Bon, who criticised you?? Tut tut. Have they not seen my messages? Or for that matter Katy's??! Long messages are the name of the game on here, so keep it up, and don't be absent for so long next time - I noticed your absence. I spoke to Mum last night and she mentioned Caroline, pass her our way for sure!! Andrew's the coolest kid at school - we all know that - your and Granny's attendance only proves it!
I'm at work now but all my team have gone into a 2 hour meeting whilst I have very little to do, therefore free internet tiem for me! Hoping to hear about the interview today. Fingers crossed for that.
Lots of love xxxx
Siobhan And Andrew
Well hello there! I was slagged last time for heving a long and boring message so i took offence and hid in the corner for a while hoping someone would notice!!!
Seriously I have been busy. Had big event on last week and it ate up all my time. But it went well and thats all that matters. Well getting paid matters too!
So glad you are enjoying the AUs culture. It sounds quite normal after the last few months. I must say Andrew loved the last video! He thought he was doing well at football but now he has a new challenge. It was his sports day yesterday and his Granny came up to see him and he was all chuffed. 'no-one else had their granny and their mammy there'! so full marks to us. He was practising the egg and spoon race all weekend. After 5 smashed eggs he finally agreed that the potato was a good idea!
Your mum was telling me that your interview went well Rois. I hope you get it. Will say a prayer for you. I am hearing remotely about Niamh's walking progress too. I hear from your mum and then I see it here but thats as far as i want to go. Honestly at this stage i would have swallowed my pride and probably annoyed a few people and said....Lets go to the pub! but fair play to her determination and stamina.
My friend Caroline who I worked with for a few years is going to Melbourne at the weekend. I think she is only staying for a short while but is going to give you a shout. She is in her twenties and is mad crack. She went off on her year in November with a male friend. He fell in love in Perth and decided to stay so she has had to go looking for travel buddies. SHe is booked into some hostel in Melbourne with a girl from Monaghan. She has been working in Perth for a few months and is ready to party. So I hope ye meet up and have something to say to each other!!!!!
Must go. We watch Euro football every night here so its nearly 10 b4 i get Andrew to bed and get some time to myself.
GOing to Nuneaton next week for long weekend. Might chat to you then.
In the meantime hi James and all you fellow bloggers!!!!!
Ay up fellas!
Greetings from Yorkshire. Everything is as you would expect here, D is up to her armpits with exam scripts to mark, Ali is doing a climbing course, so guess where you're going to get dragged on your next visit! We're all oK (football withdrawal being sooothed by Euro 2008, what's the coverage like there? Non-existent I should think! Are you going to take in some Aussie Rules while you're there?) sounds like you are doing well too. Keep up the good work and don't forget to enjoy yourselves! Give my regards to Ned Kelly if you see him!
Chris Mole
At least our stadium has corners to close!
Ok, that was a feeble and desperate attempt at a comeback. I shall revert to an old favourite........