What I was trying to tell you was that I have the biggest blister you ever did see in your life - it is an inch square (and I promise you that I'm not exaggerating!) It is so bad that I had to buy emergency flipflops from accessorize and I wasn't able to put any weight on it for a whole day - it's not good!
beter go and get dressed, it's half 4 on sunday afternoon here and i'm still in my dressing gown - happy days! Love you x
ps. 1st eviction on BB on Friday - 2 things to note
1) Davina now talks to the house in the studio so they don't hear the crowd - good decision
2) Davina's outfit was incredibly bad, words can't really do it justice, it was sparkly, it was ill fitting, it looked like something worn in Dallas!! YUK!
Lots of love x
I have
I h
Ma Mole
Hi Both. Back from rain soaked Spain having had a good but tiring week. Great to read your Oz news. Will discuss blind seals and ingrate parents in my next email. Love Mum/Bernie
Roisin And James
Happy Weekend one and all!
We're off to Victoria Markets today.. for lunch ... yes we've literally done that every weekend since we've been here, but this weekend we actually have (a small amount of) money to spend! For those of you who knew my opinion on Ugg boots (Ugg-ly), I've had a massive turn around and think about them EVERY DAY. James says I have to wait until next week's wages to buy some though :-( !
Ireland play an Aussie team in rugby tonight here in Melbourne. We still might get tickets, otherwise think we'll be heading to a bar in town somewhere and prob meeting up with Eoghan and Fiona. James is working tomorrow day. And I have a two week placement at an Accounting firm doing their admin starting Monday- for $20 an hour?! It's about an hour's journey away by tram but I don't mind one bit. Then I'm hoping to have an interview with another accounting firm to start a 3month placement with them as their Receptionist. So yeah, all fingers crossed and prayers our way please - they're worked so far.
Hope the wedding went brilliantly Bec and there aren't too many sore heads. Uni lot - have an AWESOME weekend, please tell us all about it - we miss you. Chris if you're reading this, I (James) noticed on BBC sport that Southampton are closing sections of the stadium next year as part of financial cutbacks. That's all I'm saying.
Pa Mole
Evening to the both of you, great to read how things are going. C McG's trip sounds really good - how long before she returns?!
Grace says Hi and I should get a better mesage from somewhere......!!! She makes me feel great.
All well (including Milly), no news yet on a Basingstoke baby. Mum returns from Spain tomorrow evening so looking forward to that.
Take care of yourselves.
I've just wrriten on your fb so I'll keep it short but just wanted to say how much I loved the blog as always! However, have I missed hearing about Singapore or have you just not written one about it? I know how writing down everything you've done is THE MOST annoying thing ever (maybe a slight exaggeration...!) so if you haven't written one I'm sure I can wait till next time we meet to hear about it.
James, very impressed that you've cooked Kangaroo, check you out. Am riding out my first hang over in weeks, although there's only 2 hours to go till the partying starts again! yay!
anyway, so much for keeping it short,
James And Roisin
Yay, we've finally blogged!!
We're off to bed here. James has work in the morning, and I have a meeting with my agent (of the recruitment variety of course!). I finished up my third taste of Aussie temping today. It was tres enjoyable not only because the people were friendly etc etc blah blah ... but because I was in the same building as Estee Lauder, Mac, Bobbi Brown ... and they had a 'corporate staff' shop upstairs! What with being on reception and all, our corporate pass was of course in MY top drawer!! I cannot say the levels of damage I could have done - the array of products and freebies was JUST overwhelming. But seeing as my purse was filled only with James' wages, I spent a mere $15 ... but got 6 products for that!
Bali and all at CVSC, I hope you enjoy having Claire back next week - I'm sure you realise I didn't want to return her! And Bali, don't worry, I'm eating plenty - James has cooked our every meal since we arrived!!
Granny - can't BELIEVE you're back on here - you are one impressive lady! We really love it here, but I couldn't live here forever as it's just too far away from all the people I know and love ... apart from James of course! As you well know, nowhere is as good as Fahan, especially the Church Brae. And we're planning to work here for 4-6 months before we head off again to New Zealand.
Jim Byrne - your word count is getting lower with each message - what will the next one be, 'Hi'?! I hope we haven't stolen your material now!
Katy - congratulations on many counts, notably message length, but especially on finishing the exams - yeehaa!! Have awesome weeks of awesomeness, I don't think I need to say how much we wish we could be there too. But that trip to AT sounds MORE than awesome so I'm just going to be bitter about that rather than supportive! .. I mean Anna?! It's all too much!
Chris - loving the song list. All we need is a suitable form of transport and we'll be off .. although with only 5 songs it's going to be a rather repetitive trip - get on to that one for us!
Good night one and all xxx
Bali Virk
Hello to the McGrory sisters & Co. Hope your all doin well!
Sorry havent been in touch, work is sooo busy at the moment, its coz we're down on one person....Claire get back to work soon..you only got a week left! Anyway just viewed some of your photos and it looks like you having a fab time, its was a little strange seeing Claire's face pop up in your holiday snaps! Hope all is well with you, Rosin you look like you have lost a little weight! Hope you are eating well, i know the food isnt the best there! It is fairly hot in the UK today, 25c in Coventry, we're all functioning in slow mode at work!!
Well must close, work to do im afraid, hopefully we'll see you next week Claire, Roisin let me know your next stop. Keep in touch too, and take care.
speak soon...bali xx
Granny Mcgrory
hello roisin, claire and james
I am sorry I have not got writing to you for a while. I have been looking at all your photos. They look lovely and you seem very happy. It must be great for you to have Claire there with you. Would you like to live there? Do you prefer there to fahan? Are you working where you are now? I don't have a lot of news but I wish you all the best of luck and God's blessing and I hope you continue to enjoy yourself. Safe journey home to Claire.
All my love
Granny McGrory and Joseph xxx
Yo yo yo.
I'VE FINISHED EXAMS! I could have cried with the relief today, although it's not all over yet - just embarking on researching and writing a 3000 word essay in 3 days, then it really will be over. I drove home this afternoon after my 3 hour morning exam, which I got up at 6.30am to revise for (there was no one to race to each others door with at 5am like 2nd year Rois!) so am pretty knackered now although I have done a bit of work.
BIG BROTHER! We watched the launch night together last night (me B and H) and there was much talk of how you'd both be reacting and our varied opinions on past housemates (remember how the boys hated Nicky and never wanted to see her whereas we didn't like her but did value her entertainment ...value (yep, repeat but brains too tired to think of another word!).
There are many plans for the next few weeks, and I'm sure this is when you will both be most missed - especially when me, H, B, L, Am, D, An, Ag+L (hopef), and Kr (hopef) go to Alton Towers next Monday. Not going to think about it though cos I'm tired and emotional enough for your absence to make me cry! CANNOT WAIT to see you again, although it seems I may have to! lol.
Got some great "you look amazing" comments today after my exam when for the first time in as long as i've been dressing myself I wore a dress that was higher than my knee, which put all my fears about doing so at the back of my mind. 2 stone off. yay.
Now that the whole world knows my news (sorry everyone, I do treat this a bit like emailing!?) I'll go and do a bit more work i think.