Rois beanio, can't believe you aren't feeling well. Hope you feel better soon. Have nothing to add as Siobhan, M&D and CMoss have told you everything (except for me winning the sweepstake!! Hooray, I never win!) Just been told about a payrise at work and the sun is shining so life is good! No walking this weekend but the real deal is 2 weeks Sat (aah!!) Check our blog out at
Love you x
ps. The sun shone on Glasto for 1st time in 4 years - it wasn't the same watching it on tv without looking for you.
pps. BB9 is not good - people spitting at eachother and being chucked out - it's hit new depths of badness, that again is not the same without you!
ppps (last 1 i promise!) How much do you love Jack Bauer?!!! x
Claire Again
P.S - Sorry to hear you're not feeling good sis. Hope the tram - hurl situation does not come up again (so to speak! ) Think you need a bowl of Rice Bubbles and a few episodes of watching Jack Bauer getting out of a few tricky situations. Sending you a virtual get well soon hug xxx
My first message back on 'the other side' - from boarder to blogger and back again! I'd forgotten about those sums! I just like how it says 'Solve this sum' and then underneath it says 'Why?' - exactly my point! Why do we ever need to solve sums! Sorry it's taken me so long. Think I have finally caught up with my sleep and have entered a more normal routine that doesn't consist of wanting to throw my alarm clock out of the window every morning and wanting to go to bed after Neighbours! It was worth it though. It was lovely to see Bon & Andrew at the weekend. Andrew knows his football! We also invented a great new game called 'kick Andrew's fluffy sheep up Mum & Dad's stairs and see how high it goes'! See James, the McGrory skill for inventing games has not diminished. Have you and Eoghan played Duck yet? Rois I have sent you a link so you can see all the pics from Bec's wedding and the beautiful bride. You might also come across other pics including Bec & me giggling (unlike us I know) and me and Anne doing the Titanic open arms on the honeymoon suite balcony! Think that's all for now, apart from Germany letting me down of course in our sweepstake!
Love you lots xxx
Your sarcasm isn't evident enough! People might ACTUALLY think I'm stressed at work. It is difficult being bought hot chocolates every other day and having very little to do - some people just don't understand!
Had a great time with Caroline - was nice to have a bit of a girly night out. Didn't go to work do in the end as I'm not feeling so great. THought I was going to hurl on the tram this morning, but quickly mastered control of that one thank goodness. I won't be pushed hard at work today anyway as everyone's hungover from the do. Don't think I missed too much in the end as apparently you could only have duck or lamb and they were both really rare - so James would have ended up with 2 dinners and I'd have gone home for a bowl of rice bubbles anyway!
katy ... I've already been hit by the p-word: "your skin, it's just so lovely and... PALE" everythings slipping back to normality. maybe I'll have to crack open the johnsons!
Love to all of you. xxxxx
Siobhan And Andrew
Hi Rois and James
It was great to chat to you on the phone yesterday. We had a great time in sunny nunny. Andrew loved Drayton Manor. He has already told the story of Oonagh standing up in the boat when she wasnt allowed to!!!!! I won him a cuddly toy which has already been christened 5 times. He took him on a tour of the house when we got home! Karl took him to park and played football in Leics and then bought him a united shirt and a MacDonalds so he had a fab day. The girls and your sleeping Dad had a chat and a glass of wine back at Claire's. It was one of those unexpected sessions and it was great to catch up.
Andrew thinks its great that everyone on the blog knows he is cool!
Hear you met Caroline HOpe you got on well. Melbourne looks and sounds great. Glad you enjoying it but a bit worried you might be very stressed at work Rois. Your mum was telling me how busy you were! be careful not to overdo it.
HOpe the annual work do was good.
Chat soon again
just off to watch final of Euro 2008
B and A XXXX
Mum & Dad Mcg
Really enjoyed catching up with your Singapore photos. Siobhan and Andrew were here for weekend and went back this morning. Anne & Paul and Claire and Karl joined us for dinner last night. Had lazy afternoon watching Neil Diamond live from Glastonbury in the sunshine! Just gearing up for the football final - hope James and Eoghan manage to stay awake and enjoy it.
Mr T
Mole/ Roisin,
just caught up on a load of blogs-like 8 cos i've been slacking on the reading recently. It seems like Singapore was awesome- I'd never have thought!
The important news that it was reported in the Hertfordshire Mercury that the police are promising crackdown of pubs showing illegal football in the area- I fear for shades! I'm just getting ready for Spain to finally stop underforming and win the Euro's (I hope).
Glad you still seem to be having an amazing time. I know you're planning to settle in Australia for a while and work so hope that all goes well. Keep in touch.
I can't believe you touched a snake!! and i hope that the croc James wrestled is not alive?!! Hope you've had a good weekend, lots of love x x
You both look so tanned and healthy on the photos - hope the winter in Australia leaves you with some of that tan! Was most upset after the promise of an email to find I haven't received one miss mcG, I miss you! xxx
i miss you..................
Happy weekend Steveo! Hope shift went well at the pub - BB eviction night tonight! and Glasto started today - guess's raining!! Love you loads x x x x
Hello hello, I'm back! At home, claiming job seekers allowance and therefore wasting my life away on the internet! Applying for jobs left right and centre but so far no luck, just gonna keep at it. Found out a bit ago that we can ring the spanish department for our degree classification later this week --------------------> AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Horrible too cos mum and dad are away on holiday so i'll be all on my lonesome when they ring. eeeek. trying not to think about it though - the butterflies are going manic in my stomach.
Hope you're both well, and still enjoying Melbourne life. I'm still searching for flights in the vain hope that a £20 return might appear..!