Brilliant news. I'm so pleased for you. Collins St too - shopping central! Me thinks we're all going to be seeing lots of new wardrobe items on your Oz photos with you working there! Well done sissy xxxx
Glad you got a nice little surprise with the pics. Thanks for your message Katy. In answer to your question - yes. yes it was and I really don't know how I slept outside without thinking about one climbing into my sleeping bag but some sort of anti-scaredy pants feeling took over me. It has since returned as I am still scared of English spiders! Glad you enjoyed them! Hope your interview went well - you've got to get yourself over there - then you too can see the joys of the shops on Collins St!
Congrats again Smoshbean. Love you xxxxxxxxxx
Remember the 3 month receptionist job at posh accountancy firm on Collins St (best street in town) that I didn't get??
I GOT IT!! Start this Monday 9am, full time til end of Sept ish. Can you believe it?! I'm a very happy girl!
Damned 9 hour difference - you're all sleeping through my big news! YAY! xxxxx
Wow what a treat to get into work and get to see new photies ... gives me an insight into life on the otherside!! Thanks Mossy, what a brilliant addition. They are just amazing ... esp the ones of me that morning in the garden and the kitchen (!) ... don't forget I have ones of you posing in the kitchen too! I'll try to figure out a way to get our Melb photos up over the weekend.
Last day at KNP today - can I hear a yeehaa??! Working tonight at the bar. Lots of love xxx
Hello hello (don't know why there's two - let's say there's on for each of you!)
Actually this message mainly concerns Claire - what great photos! Looks like you had an AMAZING time, it's all so beautiful and so different - barren and brown one minute, green the next and then a big city skyline! Brilliant. Also - WAS THAT SPIDER REAL!?!? If so, how the hell did you manage to sleep outside knowing they existed!? Ick ick ick - made me and my mum cringe just looking at it. Also very much enjoyed the photo of James eating - it's made me realise that when I imagine James he's tucking into some good food. Also, how tall do you look James in that last photo?!? Crazy stuff - I'm presuming it's the photo and you haven't grown that much since we last saw you??
Hey little blister and James!
Hope all well with you guys - good over here, Ed off to Spain tomorrow on a watersports holiday with 150 year 9, fun, fun! Me on my own for the week - sad times!
In answer to the question you asked previously, You can leave comments after our blogs on our website but it isn't as fab dab a dozy as this msg board!!
5.30 so time to go home - miss you like a fat girl misses cake!
Love you x
Si, Lu And Jakey
Just want to say a big thank you for the pressies. I'm sure Jacob will look really smart in his oriental jim-jams when they fit (in five years time, he's a bit of a squirt, doesn't take after the moles!). Although the matching hat fitted a treat and he looked rather dashing in it. Your mum took a photo so you may have the pleasure of seeing for yourselves what a dude he looked. Also, thanks for the elephant t-shirt. Again, lovely and very kind of you.
Hope you have settled into Oz life and are enjoying yourselves in Melbourne.
Have fun and take care
Love Si, Lu and Jacob xxx
Hi Mole and Rois,
Hope you are both well. Havent been on the msg board for a while as have been on holiday and work is just crazy at the moment. Looking forward to the new season.... splashed out on 'gold' season tickets this year which means a q&a with Roy (Woy) the boy!! I have already prepare my questions!!
Take Care and keep enjoying!!
Kes and Gem
Woop woop I've got an interview tomorrow wooooo! Fingers crossed. It was all very informal and surreal...Me (in my nice "I'd be a perfect employee" telephone voice "Hello, I'm ringing up to enquire about the administrative assistant job advertised at the job centre", her "oh, right, ermm...well... (whilst finishing whatever she was eating when she answered!) I suppose you should come in for an interview then - when do you want to come?" lol. So we'll see. But woop woop all the same.
Yes yes yes - that's the attidude I like to see Taylor. You have our full support ... in fact I bet every reader of this message board is willing you on to employment! Positive en-mass thinking is the key!
Mossy, i just tried to upload some of your photies but to no avail. Do you want to do it, and then you can add your captions, or shall I put them up at home and then you can add captions later?
Niamho, is there somewhere for us to leave messages for you on your blog or noski?
Hope you're all enjoying the heat over there. The papers here say that it's 10 - 15 degrees here today, but they're SO wrong. In fact they're always wrong about that really. Anyway, back to 'work' .. is it obvious that James is the one who doesn't work in an office, and actually works?! Surely not! xxx
Good afternoon from sunny UK (aparently hotest day yet?!) - hope you're sleeping well as i'm sure it's past your bedtime over there! Went to the job centre this morning and have applied for 4 new jobs this morning - operation get Katy to Melbourne continues. Gonna do some more applications this avo (check out the lingo...that is australian right?!) and then get the evening gazette tonight - I WILL BE EMPLOYED!
Hope alls well and jolly on the other side of the world. Was SO GOOD to speak to you Rois - James, shame you were at work cos obviously would have been lovely to speak to you too - damn that 9 hour difference!
Hear hear on Kim - please go away!! Glad you are feeling better x
Welcome back to the board C-moss. you know you're always welcome here 'on the otherside'. The photos from Bec's wedding look brilliant - what a beautiful bride.
I'm feeling a lot better now. I was just headachy, nothing to write home about (except I did ... oh my gowd). Congrats on the euro win Niamho. Although I was pretty darn hot on your heels with my teams hey? You were lucky this time. I'm loving the blog, well done!
I knew that blumming sun was going to shine this year. Of course it would, why wouldn't it?! I'm sure next time I'm back it'll rain again. It's just the way things are!
BB - what a disappointment.
JB - what a guy. But Kim Bouer. Get out of shot - we're not interested in your subplot, get back to the real action. xxx