I just had to send you a message. I have just had lunch in the shop over the road from our Stockholm office a salmon sandwhich (it is sweeden afterall, i had meetballs earlier in the week) but really the real highlight of the meal was my can of............ Mountain Dew. Yes James you can believe what your reading they sell it in Sweden too! I'm sure it is now top of your list of places to visit after the worldwide adventure!! lol. Oh and the place is generally amazing (buildings, water, islands etc) but I won't bore you with the details you can check my pics on facebook in a few days.
Lots of love
Pa Mole
Greetings from to all from the Moles in a very hot Spain - 1115 pm and still over seventy degrees. Unfortunately (!) we have to have the air conditioning on low all night otherwise it´s too hot to sleep........
Congratulations to Niamh and co, great achivement! Regards to everyone on the blog from me, Bernie & Grace.
Finished our evening meal at about 1030pm as usual tonight, then in the bar for sangria, cocktails or just coffee. We really need you here for the food James, buffet style and return as many times as you want (breakfast as well). Mum.s eating more than just a grape! Amongst it all there´s a brilliant salad bar.........!! Yeah, like you´d be there! I´m lecturing everyday on making sure we get our money's worth. Played golf with Hugh today, unbelievably hot out on the course, but very enjoyable anyway. Off to Granada for the day on Friday.
Have sent you a couple of mails, but no reply so far, hence I´m back to the message board!
Hope you are both well and everything is still going okay. Take care as always..........
A Very Sore Niamh
Hi Rois and James,
How are you two? Hope you enjoyed last night. Got home and did lots of sleeping! Moving is currently quite an issue, it's a mixture of old person and a robot - not a great look!! Although Anna said she had to crawl to toilet so atleast I can get on my feet even if it is incredibly sore!
It was wonderful to talk to you yesterday Rois, I probably wasn't really on the planet - I went into shock afterwards, starting shaking uncontrollably with cold and couldn't get my breath, that was pretty frightening! But I was okay, just needed some food! I still can't really believe we did it, 100k!! Who would have guessed my body could have done it, the three girls were amazing - we couldn't have done it without eachother, think me and Anna were competing for the amount of times we cried!! We even managed a sprint finish! (maybe not a sprint and it was only 10 meters, but we did run over the line!!) and we got a medal on a podium!! I made sure I had the Irish flag wrapped around me for that! It was harder than I could have ever imagined, and I had imagined that it would have been pretty hard! Mum and Dad, Claire and Karl, Ed, Dan and James (Anna's boyfriend) were amazing as our support team, we simply could not have done it without them, just knowing they would be at each checkpoint kept us going at times. Hel's parents came down for the last checkpoint and Cormac got a midnight bus from Manchester to get down to Brighton for the last checkpoint which was so good for Charlie. I am very glad it is over, weekends back to spending time in the pub instead of climbing hills!! And I can safely say, once in a lifetime and NEVER again!! It wasn't all bad though, we were still laughing (and crying!) as we approached the finish line!
Anyway enough trailwalker chat, will hopefully be able to chat to you abit more, been a bit distracted these last few weeks!
Love you x
Mum Mcg
Hi Rois and James
With all the recent phone calls, we seem to be neglecting the message board. As we are away this weekend, we will miss our weekend phone call, so thought we should at least say hello! As you know, we are off to the South Downs to support Niamh and Team Tree D on their huge undertaking of 100Km walk for Oxfam. Claire and Karl are going down tonight (Fri) to camp with the team and see them off at start Saturday 7am! "Meals on Wheels" (Dad and I) are driving down early tomorrow morning to meet up after the first 20Km with well earned lunch etc. We are staying overnight on in nearby hotel whilst Claire and Karl are going to camp and the finish line at Brighton Racecourse. Looks like weather is going to be kind to them, forecast is 19/20 degrees with slight possibility of odd shower on Saturday - so ideal for walking and camping hopefully. Off to supermarket shortly for megga shop and then prepare and pack all picnics for the various checkpoints!
Luckily for me, I am then meeting up with Anne Avery for our Spa experience, so I won't be back home until Tuesday night. I will give you a ring on Wednesday to update you on all that. In the meantime we will keep you posted by text. Get down on those knees and pray for those 4 girls - they need all the help they can get.
Hope jobs and life in Melbourne are going well - looks very likely that we will be seeing you in Melbourne mid October - more next week! Have a great weekend.
Love and miss you both.
PS Mole family - have fantasic holiday and Happy Birthday Grace M!!
May I have your postal address??? :) xxxxx
Hello Everyone!
Loving the messages as usual! I've just finished work so am quickly hopping on the internet to get in touch with all our favourite people. We're off out tonight to celebrate Fiona's birthday (my cousin Eoghan's girlfriend) so James is coming to meet me in town in half an hour or so.
Granny, I'm glad you liked your scarf - It took its time getting there as I bought that back in March!! We do indeed both miss home, and everyone associated, but with the internet and phones, we don't feel too far away most of the time. Joseph! Your first time on here hey!! Welcome welcome! We really like Melbourne - it's a very friendly and interesting city - there are people here from everywhere form India to South East Asia to Ireland (of course!).
Chris, I believe you have been well and truely embarrassed by your younger cousin Grace. But we'll give it some thought just for you anyway! And Grace and Grace (welcome welcome Grace B!) hope you're having a ball. Give our love to everyone there and have a bluming brilliant birthday!!
Lots of love and missing to all. xxxxxxx
ps, to those impressed by facts like this, we met Paul Robinson and Lynne Scully on Monday - for real!
Grace And Grace
hiddy hi this is grace and grace speaking from spain! whats gwaning? yeh?
spain is mental, crazy times all the time. wish you were here, we miss you lots. the mole and borgeat holiday times have not got boring but there is a significant lack of some old faces.
ITS MY BIRTHDAY IN TWO DAYS GUYS. yes, its true, mental.
AND on spanish keyboards they have these characters: ñ, Ç, ¿ ª º. something to think about? we definatinatly knowe you wish you were here instead of austrailia with all these crazy things.
anyways, must dash. ,love you both lots, GRACE AND GRACE XXX
ps. chris mole, eastenders is on at half seven on weekdays.
Chris Mole
What do people in Eastenders watch at 7pm on weekdays?
Something to think about........
hi Roisin and James
How are you? We are all doing well here. Are you enjoying Melbourne? We're enjoying reading about your holiday. take care and call us sometime
Love from Joseph
Granny Mcgrory
Hello Roisin and James
Thank you very much for the present you sent me. It's lovely. How are you both? Do you miss home? I hope you are enjoying your work. I was delighted to hear you got the job. Your time there will go very quickly so enjoy yourself. I was looking at Claire's photographs. She seemed to enjoy every minute of it. I hope you are doing the same. We did some decorating in the house. We got some new carpets. I am praying for you every night. I wish you good health and God's blessing while you are there. I will talk to you soon.
Love from Granny McGrory xxx
Dad Mcg
Hi Roisin and James
Hope you are both well
Rois hope the pint pulling went well. Remember with Guinness ,pour about three quarters full , leave to settle until there is a clean line between black and white and then finish off..............hmmmmm getting thirsty
Left Claire and mum at airport , those two are travelling more than you and James,me and Niamh have a lot of catching up to do.
Home alone again, beer chilling,wine breathing, MU dvd review of the season ready to play and the Chinese delivery Tel No at hand so life is good !
Speak to you tomorrow
Love to you both
An Excited Claire
Hello both
James, how did you rate your trainee? Think she'll make a good barmaid? Smosh your mission is to get complimented on you Guinness. The crucuial thing is to let it sit - am I right Pops or am I right? Oo and you could go all the way and do a little shamrock in the head - the Aussies will love that! Then you could et your artist skills out and develop to Koalas perhaps!! Hope it goes well sis.
Mum and I had our long awaited 'Nancy night' earlier this week - we got our PJs on, bottle of vino out and a big bar of chocolate. Good times
Just packing to go and celebrate Granny's birthday in Carrick and then down to Cork. Really looking forward to it. Having the usual fun with the 100ml toiletries rule - blimmin Ryan Air!